Self-care, self-love, self-support, self-nurturing … whatever you want to call it, it’s one of the greatest investments you can make for your physical, mental and emotional health & wellbeing.

Before we get started, let’s get this out of the way first…..

Self-care is NOT selfish.

Sometimes people consider that taking time for themselves, rather than caring for the needs of others, is putting their own needs ahead of those they care about.

There’s a common misconception that you should “do for others first and do for yourself last.” While this belief is certainly encouraging you to be positive and helpful to those around you, you also deserve to have your own needs met. Self-care is a way to ensure that your intellectual, physical and soulful needs are taken care of.

You absolutely should be on your own priority list because you simply cannot pour from an empty cup. How can you possibly, effectively give to others when your own cup is empty?

How to Start a Self-Care Routine You’ll Follow

Woman Taking Time for Self Care

Self-care does not mean a monthly trip to the spa.

Having a healthy self-care habit is something you’ll want to practice daily – and your self-care routine simply includes the everyday habits that help you take care of and nurture your own health and well-being.

Taking time out of your day for yourself doesn’t mean sitting on the couch with your feet in a pan of warm water with Epsom salts while finishing an essay assignment, grading papers for your high school students, or writing a business plan for yourself.

What is does mean is taking a block of undisturbed time where you’re enjoying something that benefits you on a physical, mental or soul level.

This can include

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Journaling
  • A gym session
  • A walk along the beach or through the forest
  • An art class
  • Playing an instrument
  • Reading for pleasure or personal development
  • Time with family
  • Time planning a trip
  • Developing a hobby you love…

The possibilities are endless.

Whatever it is that lights you up, furthers your personal development or supports your health and wellness can be included in your regular self-care routine.

Make Sure Time for Yourself is a Priority – Put Yourself On Your Own List

Time Piece

When you’re drowning in the demands of daily life and pushing your own needs to the back burner (as we often do), self-care becomes the last item on the list.

That’s not where your self-care belongs.

Your health and wellness should be at the very top of your priority list.

Just dedicating a block of time for yourself each day can effect significant changes in your life. Whether it’s 45-60 minutes all at once or broken out into 3 or 4 smaller 15-20 minute segments through your day, however you have to arrange it so it feels right for you, fit it into your schedule somehow, somewhere. Every single day.

Of course, self-care doesn’t mean the same thing for everyone. Our self-care routines are individual to ourselves. Your own practice is very likely to evolve over time.

What’s most important is to START with something if you don’t have one in place currently.

A good place to start when incorporating more self-care into your life is with the beginning of the day.

Your Self-Care Could Start in Bed

Child Sleeping

When you wake up, there’s no reason to jump up and start doing things immediately.

Practicing a bit of self-care first is a great way to set up your morning for success.

Instead of rushing to get ready, take a little extra time – start with 5 minutes until you get into the swing of things.

Before you actually get out of bed, take some time for some deep breathing and stretching.


Even though you’re breathing in and out every day of your life, breathing correctly still takes focused and deliberate effort until it becomes natural.

Take a few moments to just BREATHE before jumping into the rush of the day. It’s easy to forget about the rewards that you can gain from something as simple as breathing.

Morning Rituals: Practice Self-Care in the Morning

How do you start your day?

Try incorporating a Miracle Morning Ritual to give you greater focus and clarity of mind as you begin each day.

This may include waking before the household, spending some introspective time with your journal, having a regular gratitude practice, maybe a gentle stretch or yoga session to get the muscles warm and blood flowing, followed by a nutritious breakfast, some healthy hydration and a coffee/tea of your choosing.

This may happen BEFORE the busyness of the kids needing to get to school or following it and BEFORE beginning the business part of your day.

When you have a Miracle Morning Ritual, you’re more likely to have quiet reflective time to yourself and feel like the morning really is a miracle.

Stay Tech Free

Woman on Phone

As a tech-connected person, the first thing that you might think about upon waking is what might be going on in the digital world.

Studies have begun to look at how the constant connection we have with technology is affecting us and the information doesn’t look great. The amount of stress we experience as a result of this continuous unbroken contact isn’t good for our mental health.

Disconnecting can help break you away from that stress and give you time to think, reflect and process your thoughts without the constant noise.

To do this, keep your phone turned off and not anywhere near you when you’re sleeping. Wake up with a regular alarm clock instead of a phone alarm, and don’t check your phone until you’ve completed the rest of your morning routine.

Enjoy Fresh Morning Air

Woman Walking in the Fresh Air

Take some time to enjoy nature.

Maybe drink your favourite morning beverage outside and experience the sounds, sights, scents, and awesomeness of the surrounding nature. Immerse yourself in the beauty surrounding you and breathe in some fresh air.

Beauty and Pampering

One of the greatest things about having more time to take care of yourself, is that you can choose to spend time taking care of your skin properly.

That’s a lot more comforting than tumbling out of bed, rolling your hair into a bun and trying to put on eyeliner while running down a hallway to your car, grabbing a muffin on the way.

Take the time to show your body’s largest organ, your skin, some love. Cleanse, tone and moisturize it in the morning and again before bed. Conditioning your skin and your hair does more than make you look and feel good. It can help protect you from genetic damage caused by sun exposure and pollution.

Keep it Simple and Flexible

Woman Reading Book

Self-care doesn’t need to be complicated.

In fact, the simpler the better. Here are just a few ideas for you. Pick the ones that appeal to you most and start incorporating them into your day.

  1. Spend time in silence and stillness – to recharge the body, mind and spirit.
  2. Write down some things you’re grateful for each day in your journal. Say thank you out loud. Then say it again.
  3. Start a “smile file” – a list of nice things people have said or written about you that make you feel great.
  4. Give yourself a pedicure or manicure – maybe both!
  5. Take a bubble bath or Epsom salt bath – light a few candles and play some calming music. Aromatherapy and Hydrotherapy are a simple, cost effective way to luxuriate and relax
  6. Read a book or magazine – and don’t just flip through, really get into it.
  7. Buy yourself a bouquet of fresh flowers – or cut some from your garden.
  8. Take a leisurely walk.
  9. Put on a homemade or naturally-sourced face mask
  10. Try that new yoga place that just opened – or do a yoga video at home.
  11. Digitally unplug for a certain amount of time
  12. Watch the sun rise or set – don’t post it either, just watch it happen in real time.
  13. Watch a really funny movie or show – laugh until it hurts.
  14. Get a massage – just because it feels good, not because something hurts.
  15. Spend time out in the garden – get dirty!
  16. Connect with an old friend.
  17. Say “no” to something or someone that will infringe on your self-care time – you want to protect that time for yourself as sacred.

Do you see how simple this can be? The list really is endless – and of course, add in your own. Take up a new hobby. Ride a horse. Adopt a pet. Plan your next travel vacation.

What really matters is how you feel. What makes you happy? What brings you joy? What lights up your life, your heart, your soul?

Book-End Your Day with Self-Care

Book Ends

When you consider self-care, don’t forget day’s end

So, you’ve set up a morning routine, now let’s be sure to have the end of the day filled with self-care too.

Sleep is a priority that is often overlooked when comparing it to the tasks of day-to-day life. It’s time to prioritize the quality of your sleep. As for quantity – you’ll want to aim for 7-9 hours of undisturbed sleep each night

  • While we sleep, our body repairs blood vessels and organs that have been damaged or stressed throughout the day.
  • Our brains use this time to sort through and store information.
  • Our bodies balance themselves out.

Make this important step to self-care and head to bed an hour or two earlier than you’re used to. Your body will thank you.

Self-care means really listening to your body, taking moments to check in, intentionally tuning in to the thoughts going on in your mind and listening for the signals your body is giving you – so you can treat her with the respect she deserves. After all, your body carries you from the cradle to the grave.

When it comes to good health, overall wellbeing and general happiness in life, self-care plays an important role. Make your self-care regimen a daily priority. Schedule it in your calendar. And most importantly, don’t let other things get in the way. You are worthy of that time and you deserve a long and healthy life.

Now it’s your turn:

  1. What will you do to add self-care to your daily routine?
  2. What can you remove from your schedule that isn’t a priority?
  3. What kind of self-care goes with your personality?

I’d love to know.

Lynne offering a free call

I’d also love to help you set yourself up for success with this strategy. If you’d like some help with creating a Miracle Morning Ritual or how you can start incorporating more self-care into your schedule, I’d love to chat and help design a self-care ritual that feels right for you.

E-mail me at to schedule your ‘Healthy Living’ Breakthrough Call. This is entirely free and by the end of our chat, you’ll have a customized self-care plan along with some helpful resources.

Lynne Wadsworth