We all know that February is the Month of Love and how we can show our loved ones what they mean to us.

Have you considered how you can be more kind and gentle to yourself – to show YOURSELF more love?

We often overlook ourselves when it comes to the concept of ‘LOVE’ but it’s a key element to our overall well-being and feelings of happiness.

This is a great month for self-reflection and for finding ways to give ourselves the love and honor we deserve.

Many of us battle the little critical, negative gremlin voice who is incessantly nattering in our ear about our flaws and shortcomings.

Now is the perfect opportunity to become more compassionate with our own self and to learn to love who we are. You are unique. You have incredible gifts and talents to share with the world. You have the power to make a significant difference in the lives of those you connect with.

You truly are one-of-a-kind.

Here are some suggestions for how you can make time for yourself and incorporate more of what you love into your life:

1. Be Honest With Yourself

Woman Thinking

If you could create your perfect life, what would it be?

Write down the things that you’d like to have more time for in your life. Maybe that would be reading, learning a new hobby or spending time with people that you enjoy being around.

2. This is a Great Time to Reflect

Reflection of a Rose

It helps to make a list of what you currently spend your time on.

Be sure to include things like working at your job or in your business, caring for your children and running errands. Think of this exercise as a synopsis of your weekly life.

Next, compare what you do spend your time on with what you’d like to spend more of your time on each week.

3. Decide What You Can Compromise On

Woman Driving

You might not be able to change that you have to go to work (although many of us wish we could!), but you can change how you travel back and forth.

Maybe the stress of driving is wearing you down.

Instead of making yourself crazy, try making the commute more enjoyable. Depending on where you live, you could try taking the subway, and if you can, read while you’re on the train.

On the other hand, if you must drive, you could make it an enjoyable experience. Jam out with your favorite music, or listen to a podcast that entertains you or supports self-development.

Maybe when you drive, you’re able to take a little time to reflect on your life. You could plan your weekend or your next vacation.

4. Get Your “But” Out of the Way

Woman with Stone in Hand

If you’re always saying you want to do something and adding “but” in there afterward, it’s time to change that way of thinking.

Those three little letters are convincing you that you don’t deserve the things you want more of when the truth is, you do deserve it.

Let’s look at a common place where you add “but” in your life. You need to get groceries for your family. No one can deny that’s not important (although a necessity). “I want to take that new hot yoga class, but I have to go to the supermarket.” Well, that’s not exactly correct!

Our marvelous online world allows you to order all of the things you need and either run by and have it brought out to your car or even better, delivered to your door. Problem solved. Many people take full advantage of the convenient grocery pick-up or delivery service.

The “but” sneaks into our excuses everywhere. If we get invited somewhere but say instead we’d like to go but we must make dinner. That’s not truthful either. You can prep those meals on your Sunday and voila! Your early evenings are free to pick up another pursuit.

Take every opportunity life presents to create more of what brings you joy or leads to more life-enrichment.

The timing may never be perfect for that next big step in your life. The set up may not be ideal, but that shouldn’t hold you back from striving to reach your goals and dreams.

Instead, seize the moment because it may never come back.

Make Yourself a Priority

Woman Sitting on Bench

Don’t feel bad about doing this.

As women, it can become second nature to put others first. It’s what we’ve been taught and programmed to do. And while there’s a time and a place for this, it shouldn’t be a habit that costs you your mental or emotional well-being.

We’re so trained to feel guilty for indulging in the things we want, but we need to do those things because we can’t be our best for everyone else if we don’t take care of ourselves.

Find the time to decompress.

Without decompressing and recharging you can put serious strain on yourself. Whether it’s spending the day in bed or outdoors in nature, find what helps you decompress and dedicate time to this.

And, be kind to yourself.

The world is full of harsh words and critique — don’t add your own to the mix. Speak kindly to yourself, and avoid saying negative things to yourself.

In fact…take it to the opposite side of the spectrum.

Celebrate yourself. Celebrate your successes, your milestones, your little victories as well as your massive ones. You’ve come so far and grown so much.

During this month, be sure to celebrate yourself — it’s not something you’re only allowed to do on your birthday!

We need to do those things because we can’t be our best for everyone else if we don’t take care of ourselves.

So take a moment to think about yourself in this month of love, and determine….what are 3 things you want to make more room for in your life?

For me I’d love to have time to read more, to spend more time in nature, and to participate in a different fun activity each week. I’d love to know what your 3 things are.

If you’d like some help figuring out how you can make more time for yourself – or setting up a self-care routine that’s right for you, I’d love to chat.

Book your free ‘HEALTHY YOU’ Clarity Call by sending an email to lwadsworth@verizon.net. Let’s chat.

Lynne Wadsworth

Lynne Wadsworth