Being more grateful for things in your life is a wonderful way to practice self-care, especially when we add it into our daily routine.

When we think about our health, we often only think in terms of what we’re eating, what we’re drinking or how much we’re exercising.

We rarely consider that our health is related to what we think about.

Studies have indicated that our thoughts, our attitude, and our mental tone have an incredible amount of power over your health.

The best place to start incorporating this health strategy into your life is with gratitude.

No matter how bad it is or how bad it gets, and let’s be honest – sometimes, it can feel like the world is caving in around us – but we all have something to be grateful for.

Gratitude is so much more beneficial for your health and wellness than you might think.

Having a sense of it, or shifting into a place of it and even better, creating a habit of practicing it daily, will help you exude positivity, help others who are around you feel good about themselves, and helps you recognize the amazing things in your life – at this very moment.

And here’s the added benefit: since what we focus on expands and multiplies – you’ll see that more good things show up in your life to be grateful for.

Expressing gratitude is associated with a whole host of mental and physical benefits. Studies indicate that feeling gratitude improves sleep quality, reduces mood swings and boosts immunity. Having an attitude of gratitude can decrease depression, reduce anxiety, the risk of disease and even help with chronic pain challenges.

Here are my TOP 5 ways gratitude can change your day, and your life and improve your overall wellness:

It boosts feelings of satisfaction

Woman happily in hammock

Show your gratitude by putting it in writing.

  • Get out your thank you cards and start filling them out.
  • Write one to your parents, to your spouse, children, grandchildren, your best friend.
  • Let them know what you love about them
  • Share a memory or an experience you’ve had with them that impacted you in a powerful way
  • Tell them the reasons why they’ve affected your life positively

You get the point.

Writing letters of gratitude will ensure you feel good inside and out, and you’ll be spreading those good feelings to those you’re writing to.

And since no day is a guaranteed day for anyone, doesn’t it just FEEL better to let those you love know how you feel about them and the wonderful way they’ve helped you grow and become the person you are?

Not only will you be giving them a gift, you’ll be receiving a gift as well – the one of knowing your heart and soul are unburdened and open.

It builds relationships

Group of happy women

Find ways to weave expressing gratitude toward the people who do things for you that you appreciate.

This could be something as simple as recognizing the efforts your kids do to keep their room tidy or put the dishes in the dishwasher for you. Let them know you appreciate them. If your children are out of your home now and do something that shows their love for you – like a quick phone call to check in on you – express your gratitude.

You may notice that just your expression of appreciation will motivate them to keep doing more of the same.

Another benefit: expressing gratitude will reduce your stress by seeing the good in things.

It helps your mental wellness

Mentally happy woman

This to be is one of the most beneficial “side effects” of a healthy gratitude practice.

Just taking a moment to be thankful for the things you have despite the challenges you may be facing is good for your mental health and well-being.

Sometimes it can be hard to see the good things in life. Keeping a gratitude journal regularly and making a point of recognizing a few things each day by writing them down can make a massive difference.

Or add little gratitude notes to a Gratitude Jar.

When you feel low, you can flip through it or read the little notes and find something to smile about.

As an added bonus, it boosts more than your mood by increasing energy levels too.

You’ll sleep better

Girl sleeping peacefully

When you focus on what’s positive in your life and find things to be grateful for, (rather than focusing on what’s lacking), it brings on a sense of satisfaction and happiness, and allows your mind to relax. This, in turn, leads to better sleep.

Here’s a great practice: Try writing a gratitude list before you go to bed. Don’t just list things out – actually consider what about each item is something you’re grateful for.

This simple little practice allows you to utilize the power of gratitude to your advantage. You’ll fall asleep faster and have more restful sleep too.

It can improve your physical fitness

Woman walking

By recognizing things you’re grateful for, you feel happier overall.

Feeling happier gives you more energy, and more energy means it’s easier for you to keep your date with the gym, fitness machine or running partner.

Sometimes, the only thing we need to get that workout in is the motivation to START it workout – even when we’re not feeling like doing it.

A positive attitude helps get going and once you do get started, it’s easier to complete the workout and once you’ve done it, you’ll fill so accomplished and successful – and that is a winning feeling.

And your body will thank you for it too.

This ‘gratitude effect’ is even supported with research: Study participants who practiced gratitude regularly for 11 weeks were more likely to exercise than those in the control group (Emmons & McCullough, 2003).

If you don’t know where to begin with adding a gratitude practice to your self-care regimen, try practicing a few Gratitude Mantras or Affirmations.

Here are some to get you started:

  •  I’m grateful for all the good in my life.
  •  I’m grateful to be here and now.
  •  I’m grateful for my health.
  •  I’m grateful for the small steps I achieve each day.
  •  I’m grateful for forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love, and humor.

Write them in your journal or say one or all of them out loud to yourself each day to “seal” it down deep. This is a great way to feel more positive inside and out, and exude positivity throughout the day.

You may even want to write them on sticky notes and put them on your mirror in your bathroom or bedroom, in your car, in your lunch bag, or keep a notebook with you to read them out loud whenever you feel you need the reminder or a quick mood booster.

Let’s start practicing now!

Now it’s your turn:

Leave a comment below and let me know one thing you’re grateful for today. It can be as big or as small as you want — nothing is off limits.

If you haven’t set up a self-care or gratitude routine for yourself and would like some help, schedule your free “HEALTHY YOU” Clarity Call with me today.

Lynne Wadsworth in Kitchen

This is a complimentary session. We’ll discuss your menopausal journey and self-care goals, and by the end of our chat, you’ll have:

  1. Some strategies and solutions
  2. A simple Action Plan &
  3. Resources to help

How? Email me here: lwadsworth@verizon-net and let’s chat.

Lynne Wadsworth