Are you ready to upgrade your life in a way that actually works?

The fact is, science shows definite health benefits for those of us who use mindfulness and meditation as a regular practice.

When it was first recommended to me by a health practitioner, I thought meditation was “out there” or a little “woo woo!” But the more I learned about this simple self-care strategy, the more I realized it wasn’t what I thought.

Mediation is a beautiful, easy way to release stress, relax your mind and body, and even to restore and reconnect with your soul.

So, let’s dive in a little deeper.

Woman Mediating

What is Meditation?

When you meditate, instead of thinking about all the things worrying or stressing you, you are trying to reach a state of calmness and serenity.

In some cases, you’ll focus on just one thing. You want to clear your mind, relax your body, and allow everything else float away. This does take some practice, so the more you do it, the easier it’ll be for you.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is something that can accompany meditation.

With mindfulness, you want to always stay in the present. Instead of worrying about the past or thinking about the future, you only think about and appreciate what’s happening right now.

Mindfulness is often a strategy and technique used to overcome anxiety, depression, or create a healthy habit. It is another process that takes a bit of practice, but it’s worth the time and effort as both of these strategies are powerful and effective to create more success in your life.

How to Start A Mindful Meditation Practice

There are several forms of mediation including things as simple as focusing on your breathing or focusing on one object, or on a favorite scripture or mantra.

Start by making yourself comfortable in a quiet place where you won’t be distracted or interrupted. Some deep breathing will help relax your body and release all those worries and concerns going around in your head.

Follow this process:

  1. Relax, clear your mind
  2. Focus on your present state
  3. Breathe for a few minutes – focusing on just your breathing, nothing else
  4. Once you’re fully relaxed, think about the present moment
  5. Experience your current feelings and emotions, but nothing in the past or future
  6. Recognize whatever feelings or emotions arise, but then just accept them and release them and move on

Why you want to add a mindfulness meditation to your self-care routine

Self Care

Stress leads to between 75% and 90% of all doctors’ visits.

That mind-blowing stat itself should be enough to compel you to take active measures to reduce the stress in your life. When we reduce our stress, we reduce our chances for developing illnesses and disease…and avoid the doctor’s office.

Mindfulness meditation reduces inflammation, reduces levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in your body, and improves sleep. When we have better quality sleep – we also improve our chances of staying healthier, longer.

Mindfulness Mediation for Mood

Woman Jumping

The most immediate health benefit of mindfulness meditation is improved mood: increased happiness, calmness, peace, and enhanced well-being.

Studies show that people who have a mindful meditation practice actually have less depression even if participants in the study were taking anti-depressant medications. (See, the “Hamilton Anxiety Scale.”)

Mindful Mediation for Weight

veggies with Tape Measure

Yes, you read that right! Mindfulness Meditation has been linked with lower weight can help with weight management. Studies have indicated that mindfulness meditation helps people control their emotional response to eating – putting them more in control, reducing cravings and binge eating.

Since I’m a reformed binge-eater, this strategy made a significant difference for me, and I know it can work for you too if you find yourself mindlessly munching. Switch to mindful meditation instead!!

Mindful Eating

Woman Eating

Another way mindfulness meditation can work for you is to practice “mindful eating” by becoming more aware of your food choices, its’ origins, and the process it took to come to you – as well as your consumption of it.

Mindful eating involves listening more deeply to your body’s natural hunger signals. Start paying attention to how hungry and full you are are and avoid the extremes of ‘starving’ and ‘stuffed.’

Another component of mindful eating is staying focused on your food and your company and eliminating distractions while eating like the TV or your smartphone.

People who are aware of this type of mindful eating find they end up being satisfied with smaller servings, they choose nutrient and energy-dense foods. So more mindful eating means less junk and processed foods.

Mindfulness about food and eating can have some great benefits for your weight and to your overall health.

Mindfulness Meditation and Aging

Some studies show that meditation can help reduce cellular aging. Slowing down the aging process can help increase longevity. In fact, practicing meditation can help buffer this process.

Best Health Benefits

Woman Meditating

Here are the best health benefits you can get from developing and continuing a mindful meditation practice:

  1. Reduces stress
  2. Controls anxiety
  3. Promotes emotional health
  4. Enhances self-awareness
  5. Lengthens attention span
  6. May reduce age-related memory loss
  7. May help fight addictions
  8. Improves sleep
  9. Helps control pain
  10. Can decrease blood pressure

What’s great about mindful meditation is that you can practice it anywhere – and it only takes a few minutes of your time.

Woman on Beach

My favorite mindful mediation though is using a visualization technique. I love the beach – and it’s totally my happy place. So I can easily visualize myself being there; I hear the sounds of the gulls flying and the waves lapping on the shore. I smell the scents of brine and beach, feel the warmth of the sun and the heat coming off the sand.

I can literally picture myself relaxing and reading a book on the blanket – AND that happy visualization has an immediate effect on me – relaxing me and reducing my stress level. It doesn’t take more than 30 to find that state of tranquility – and let’s face it – sometimes we really need that ability to escape when life has taken a toll.

If you’re wondering how you can fit this practice into your busy lifestyle, then consider setting your alarm a few minutes early to take advantage of quiet time in the morning. This may help you develop a consistent habit and allow you to start the day off positively.

You can even set an alarm throughout the day and take a 30 to 60-second break for some relaxation breathing or visualization.

Or practice it just as you’re drifting off to sleep to access a favourite visual in your dream state.

The bottom line:

Mindfulness Meditation is something everyone can do anywhere to improve their mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health. No need for special equipment, memberships and you can even download free apps on your phone to guide you through.

Now it’s your turn:

  1. Will you try a mindful meditation to improve your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health and wellbeing?
  2. Will you create a practice or habit around this powerful success strategy?
  3. What are 1 or 2 things you do to bring more happiness and wellbeing into your life?

If you’d like some help figuring out how to incorporate meditation and mindfulness into your daily schedule or creating a practice with it to take advantage of this powerful tool, I’d love to chat. Just schedule a free YOUR HEALTHY LIFE Clarity Call by replying below or sending an email

Lynne Wadsworth