

Show Notes:

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About Dr. Ola Kolawole:

Dr. Ola is a Board-Certified Family Medicine Doctor with over 15 years of expertise devoted to saving lives and restoring health. Her commitment to excellence led her to participate in Harvard’s Blackburn Course in Obesity Medicine, further highlighting her dedication to combating obesity. She is also a member of the American college of Lifestyle Medicine, Beyond practicing medicine, Dr. Ola is a Speaker, and the Founder of EmpowerHer Wellness & Weight Loss Simplified—a Virtual Wellness and Weight Transformation Program dedicated to empowering busy women towards healthy weight loss and newfound confidence. She is married to her husband of 21 years and they have a son.

What We Discuss In This Episode:

Dr. Ola shares her 15+ years practicing family medicine. During that time, she noticed that her female patients had difficulty and struggles with weight loss. Additional courses led her to empower women holistically without medications or surgery. She founded Empower Her Wellness and Weight Loss Simplified.

Dr. Ola’s program balances spirit, mind and body per her Christian faith. Her “7S method” starts with surrendering to God, incorporating affirmations and scripture to develop a healthy mindset.

Dr. Ola is a big proponent of time-blocking daily routines and prioritizing self-care through efficient meal-prepping and consistent habits. Forming new routines in 3 weeks can lead to lifestyle changes.

A balanced diet featuring whole grains, proteins and healthy fats is crucial to health, though restrictive diets backfire. Meal-prepping empowers consistency while understanding nutrition’s role in disease prevention.

Seeing one’s body as a God-given gift inspires gratitude, mindfulness and surrendering struggles to Him. Daily scripture, affirmations and prayer develop a healthy relationship with oneself and goals.

Free Resource from Dr. Ola Kolawole:

Free Ebook-How to Successfully Lose Weight and Keep It Off:

Connect with Dr. Ola Kolawole:


Connect With Lynne:

If you’re looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey – just like you are – to improved health and wellness, overall balance, increased energy and confidence, and to enjoy living through perimenopause and menopause, check out Lynne’s private community in The Energized & Healthy Women’s Club. It’s a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, wrangling sugar gremlins, and overcoming fatigue, menopause, recipes, strategies, and much more so women can feel energized, healthy, confident, and joyful each day.

The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:

Free Resources from Lynne:

5 Essential Steps to Flourishing in Midlife:

Low Energy? Headaches? Difficulty with weight management or belly bloat? If MIDLIFE is taking its toll then I’ve got some quick & easy solutions for you! I’ve taken some of my very best strategies and solutions to help you feel energized, vibrant, lighter & healthier, and compiled them into this FREE resource!

Download the FREE guide here:

Grab Your Opportunity for a Free Call With Lynne:

Wouldn’t you just love to be successful with focusing on improved health and wellbeing?

Maybe you’d like to increase your energy levels, reduce, or maintain a healthy weight, ditch the brain fog & belly bloat. Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized – super-charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & a new sense of purpose and joy. I’d love to chat.

Contact me to schedule your FREE Clarity Call to see how you can successfully navigate your life and health through this season of midlife season with grace and ease.

Schedule your Free Call >>HERE!<<

Lynne Offering Free Call
Healthy for 2024

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