

Show Notes:

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About Errin Smith:

Errin Smith, also known as “That Health Chick” on Instagram is an avid health and fitness fanatic who is expert trained in health optimization for over 15 years, and has worked with world leading health experts such as Dr. Zach Bush MD, Dr. Christine Schaffner, Dr. Dan Pompa, Mark Groves and a list of high level celebrity health experts. She is also the founder, producer, and host of What We Crave: The Emotional Eating Summit. After 25 years of struggling with emotional eating, food addiction, and “shame fasting”, Errin became obsessed with understanding the root cause of what it is that we are REALLY craving. She is on fire for cultivating real, beautiful, honest conversations that provide roadmaps to healing and how to make peace with food and ultimately yourself.

What We Discuss In This Episode:

Kathryn shares her journey to specializing in homeopathic treatment for PTSD after being inspired to help veterans and first responders cope with trauma. She details her study of remedies and a 2019 case study with promising results.

Errin shares her upbringing with processed foods and dieting attempts, leading to emotional eating and weight gain. She hit rock bottom working excessively while numbing with keto foods, appearing “nine months pregnant.” This inspired starting “What We Crave” to understand the root causes.

She realized it was never about the food: The root causes behind cravings, emotional eating, food addiction, and binge eating.
We have to honestly confront what we’re REALLY craving. When we get triggered, most of us point the finger at someone else.

Errin shares how her abusive boss triggered overworking without boundaries, and her need for soothing with food.

We should prioritize nourishment over dieting by consuming grass-fed proteins, superfoods, electrolytes and ashwagandha drops cortisol and inflammation naturally. Emotional eating stems from living problems like disconnection, not dietary issues.

Resource from Errin Smith:

Watch “What we crave” for free:

Connect with Errin Smith:

TikTok: https:/

Connect With Lynne:

If you’re looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey – just like you are – to improved health and wellness, overall balance, increased energy and confidence, and to enjoy living through perimenopause and menopause, check out Lynne’s private community in The Energized & Healthy Women’s Club. It’s a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, wrangling sugar gremlins, and overcoming fatigue, menopause, recipes, strategies, and much more so women can feel energized, healthy, confident, and joyful each day.

The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:

Free Resources from Lynne:

5 Essential Steps to Flourishing in Midlife:

Low Energy? Headaches? Difficulty with weight management or belly bloat? If MIDLIFE is taking its toll then I’ve got some quick & easy solutions for you! I’ve taken some of my very best strategies and solutions to help you feel energized, vibrant, lighter & healthier, and compiled them into this FREE resource!

Download the FREE guide here:

Grab Your Opportunity for a Free Call With Lynne:

Wouldn’t you just love to be successful with focusing on improved health and wellbeing?

Maybe you’d like to increase your energy levels, reduce, or maintain a healthy weight, ditch the brain fog & belly bloat. Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized – super-charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & a new sense of purpose and joy. I’d love to chat.

Contact me to schedule your FREE Clarity Call to see how you can successfully navigate your life and health through this season of midlife season with grace and ease.

Schedule your Free Call >>HERE!<<

Lynne Offering Free Call
Healthy for 2024

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