

Show Notes:

About Kristine Snyder:

Kristine Snyder is a mom of 2 high energy sassy little girls. She is a firm believer in the body’s own innate ability to heal itself. She’s learned through lots of trial and error how to not simply manage her autoimmune conditions but to actually heal from them and ditch those annoying, at times debilitating and even scary symptoms.

After the birth of her second daughter, it was a very challenging time both physically and mentally for her. She had zero energy and was not able to be fully present with her daughters. After seeking out specialist after specialist, she was exhausted and depleted. Then she discovered a method that turned everything around for her and she was able to start getting her life back and experience symptom free living quicker than she thought. She even lost 35 lbs. in 4 short months and no that wasn’t even her focus…it was just the byproduct of the healing process. Best reward from it all hands down will always be being able to be fully present and give her girls their mom back.

Now it’s her passion and purpose to help other moms and women that are struggling just like she was, to empower them and show them the way to feeling amazing again and ditch their symptoms, finally release that toxic stubborn weight, and be fully present in their lives and with their families.

What We Discuss In This Episode:

How Kristen overcame her stubborn weight gain cycle through healing her cells and learning to eat in harmony with our genes to activate consistent and lasting weight loss

Kristine shares her journey of healing from chronic health conditions and how focusing on healing yourself, reducing inflammation, balancing hormones, and healing her gut led to weight loss and improved family relationships. She also emphasized the importance of reducing toxins in food, such as avoiding meat with added hormones and staying away from soy and GMO products.

We discussed our experiences with changing our lifestyles and diets to improve our own health, including incorporating more protein, reducing stress, and following an elimination diet. These changes can help overcome sinus infections, hormonal imbalances, and inflammation.

Lynne and Kristine discussed the importance of detoxing after vacation and the impact of inflammatory foods, particularly sugar and oils, on the body. They also shared their experiences with incorporating superfoods and herbal blends to reduce inflammation and improve overall health.

Kristine shared various topics related to health, weight loss, and healing. She shared her belief that individuals are not defined by their health diagnoses and emphasized the importance of natural remedies and self-empowerment in achieving wellness.

Kristine shares some habits she’s cultivated that have made the journey easier, as well as what she’s created/or is doing in response to this struggle of (keeping hormones balanced, reducing oxidative stress, etc.)

For fun, Kristine shares what the best purchase for under $100 that has helped her life during this journey.

Free Resources from Kristine Snyder:

Free PDF guide to the 5 hidden things secretly sabotaging your weight loss:

Book a Healing weight loss consultation:

Connect with Kristine Snyder:

Facebook Group: (Join group for more info on the products.)

Connect With Lynne:

If you’re looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey – just like you are – to improved health and wellness, overall balance, increased energy and confidence, and to enjoy living through perimenopause and menopause, check out Lynne’s private community in The Energized & Healthy Women’s Club. It’s a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, wrangling sugar gremlins, and overcoming fatigue, menopause, recipes, strategies, and much more so women can feel energized, healthy, confident, and joyful each day.

The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:

Free Resources from Lynne:

How to Thrive in Menopause:

MENOPAUSE messing Up your life? Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you’re noticing your usual efforts to lose weight aren’t working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that you’re fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I’ve got this FREE solution tool for you.

Download my free guide here:

5 Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle? Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it’s time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I’ve got the perfect FREE resource to help. In this guide, you’ll find my most impactful strategies and I’ve made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health here:

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