

Show Notes:

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About Jackie Mott:

Jackie Mott is a #1 International Bestselling author, powerhouse speaker, and Master Life Coach whose true brilliance lies in her ability to talk about difficult subjects using her own unique brand of wisdom, vulnerability, and humor, and she lives from her belief that “Life doesn’t have to be so damn serious!”

When Jackie’s husband ended their 27-year relationship without warning, she was thrown into a tailspin. That conversation was her own personal “Ground Zero”. It was necessary to clear the rubble, learn who she truly was, and completely rebuild her life. To do that, Jackie had to challenge a lifetime’s worth of conditioning and limiting beliefs and recreate herself from the ground up. The life she’s created is more than she’d ever allowed herself to believe was possible, and now she supports others in doing the same.

What We Discuss In This Episode:

Jackie shares her personal journey of going through a difficult divorce after a 27-year marriage. She describes the devastation and loss of identity she experienced, and how she had to completely rebuild her life from the ground up. Through this process, Jackie developed a deep understanding of the power of mindset and the importance of challenging limiting beliefs.

Jackie explains the concept of the “subliminal soundtrack” – the unconscious messages and beliefs that play in the back of our minds. She discusses how these beliefs, even if inaccurate, can profoundly shape our experiences and circumstances. Jackie shares her technique of “dancing with your demons” – actively acknowledging and challenging these negative thought patterns in order to reprogram them.

Jackie outlines three key mindsets that can keep people stuck:

  • the “lack mindset”
  • the “lack of belief in self” and
  • a poor sense of self-worth

Jackie emphasizes that by shifting these core beliefs and adopting a mindset of possibility and self-compassion, people can unlock new opportunities and create the life they desire.

Jackie also discusses her book “Believe All Things Are Possible’” which explores these mindset principles in depth.

Lynne and Jackie wrap up the conversation, emphasizing the importance of shifting one’s mindset and self-perception in order to overcome challenges and create a fulfilling life. They encourage listeners to believe in the possibility of positive change, even in the face of adversity

Free Resource from Jackie Mott:

5 Steps to Create a Mindset Wired for Success:

Connect with Jackie Mott:


Connect With Lynne:

If you’re looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey – just like you are – to improved health and wellness, overall balance, increased energy and confidence, and to enjoy living through perimenopause and menopause, check out Lynne’s private community in The Energized & Healthy Women’s Club. It’s a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, wrangling sugar gremlins, and overcoming fatigue, menopause, recipes, strategies, and much more so women can feel energized, healthy, confident, and joyful each day.

The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:

Free Resources from Lynne:

5 Essential Steps to Flourishing in Midlife:

Ladies, are you ready to thrive through perimenopause and menopause?

• Do you want to stay fit and energized during these transformative years?
• Are you looking to regain your energy, feel more “like yourself,” and embrace each day with enthusiasm and vitality?

I’ve put together my best practical and simple solutions in this exclusive resource, designed just for you—and it’s completely FREE!

Unlock your path to feeling healthier, more in control, and ready to tackle your day with confidence.

Get your free copy here:

Grab Your Opportunity for a Free Call With Lynne:

Wouldn’t you just love to be successful with focusing on improved health and wellbeing?

Would you like to:

  • increase your energy levels
  • lose or maintain a healthy weight
  • ditch the brain fog & belly bloat
  • manage menopausal pain and headaches?

Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized – super-charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & a new sense of purpose and joy. I’d love to chat.

Contact me to schedule your FREE Clarity Call to see how you can successfully navigate your life and health through this season of midlife season with grace and ease.

Schedule your Free Call >>HERE!<<

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Healthy for 2024

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