6 Ways to Win Your Battle With Migraines  –  Here are six “weapons” you can use on your journey to being the victor!


1. Celebrate tiny victories. Even though the pain hasn’t gone away yet, and you have had your migraine for several days, give yourself for the victory for the healthy choices and small, meaningful progress. Did you stay hydrated; did you take a short walk that helped relieve some of the stress; did the pain go down in intensity, etc.? Celebrate those small things – it will help. It refocuses you.


2. Laugh out loud. Take a moment to watch something that makes you laugh (if it doesn’t hurt your head that is!). Laughter is great medicine and relieves tension and stress. It’s not only great distraction therapy, but the laughter may help relieve even more of your pain.


3. Start your Migraine Diary. If you’ve been meaning to start a Migraine Diary, and just haven’t got round to it, download your copy here. Set yourself a goal to consistently journal. It will not only be helpful to your migraine specialist, but just by completing it, you will feel you have accomplished something – and you have. You’ll not only probably discover something about yourself but you’ll gain more insight into your migraines.


4. Love on your pet. Animals can be amazingly therapeutic, and if you have a dog or cat, spend some time loving on him/her. Animals can be amazingly intuitive, and your animal will probably give you a great dose of medicine to help you on your way to relief.


5. Take a bath. Try taking a bath in a dark room with a little lavender essential oil and feel the relaxation effects. Soak up the refreshing feel of the water. Close your eyes and focus on something calming and relaxing and melt away the tension, stress and pain.


6. Get a massage. If you don’t feel like you can go out to the local spa or your massage therapist, maybe you can find one who will come to your home. Of course, you can always ask your spouse or significant other for a neck or foot massage. Fit in a massage the best way you can as I think most of us will vouch for how well a massage fits into a migraine sufferer’s life and helps alleviate the pain.


One final thought. Something I do which may or may not be part of your lifestyle, but I always pray. God cares about our pain. There is proof that people who pray suffer less. Ask God for comfort and clarity, and for relief from the pain. You don’t have anything to lose, and you have a lot to gain.

While my migraines are few and far between these days in relation to how they were a few of years ago, when I do have one, these practices have proven to help me through the most painful days. Try some of them. And remember, YOU are the victor!


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