… and Give You a Healthier Outlook on Life.

This Impacts Your Health More Than You Know

Whether it is a specific season, or any other time of year, it is important to realize the impact that gratitude can have on your health and well-being.

Sometimes, I know I take so many of the little things for granted. The bigger issues look large and sometimes it is hard to get past that. We have situations in our lives that knock the wind right out of us, and sometimes it is hard to pick ourselves up and go on.

One thing I have learned in my years on this earth is that when we do “practice that attitude of gratitude” and remember all the many (even little) things we have going for us, we can do an about-face, lift our mood, and even change the mood of those around us. I’m not saying it is easy, because it certainly is not.

The great thing is that our focus doesn’t even have to be huge blessings or happenings. It can be the smallest little thing. And when we journal and see all our blessings written down, it can relieve stress, change our attitude, lift our spirits, and help us physically as well.

What Are the Benefits?

There is growing evidence showing that gratitude is good for the brain and body. People who have a regular gratitude practice tend to experience more positive emotions like happiness, as well as stronger relationships and improved health.

I truly believe that what you focus on is what you get. If you focus on the positives in your life and practice being grateful, you’ll find you get more of what you want (and less of what you don’t want).

One review of several studies on happiness and longevity found that happier people who are more satisfied with their lives actually live longer. Up to 10 years longer!

Start your day with your intention.

Every day is a new opportunity to live consciously. How you start your day can set the stage for how your day plays out. Perhaps you have a daily affirmation or goal. Every morning ask yourself what your intention is, and feel free to repeat it throughout the day.

I would love to hear from you about your experiences during this month of gratitude to see if you had some ah-ha moments or great experiences you would love to share. Drop your comment below.

There is so much more you can do to uplift your spirits, change your motivation, and walk in this positive way. Today, I want to give you a special gift – your short guide for gratitude and intentions. I hope that you will use it and turn your day around each and every day.  Click the picture below for your free guide.