You’re tired. Like really tired. Bone-dry dead tired. I get it – I’ve been there many times myself.
When you’re completely exhausted, then the last thing you want to do is lace up your shoes for a workout.
But if you’re tired of being tired all the time, you may want to rethink the idea of regularly exercising or adding movement into your day.
Exercise is one of the most powerful tools we have for increasing our energy levels and the great news is that you don’t need to do a lot to reap the benefits.
A University of Georgia study found that performing 20 minutes of low intensity exercise could decrease fatigue by up to 65%! That’s great news!
And the remarkable thing about exercise (movement) is that even activities as simple as walking, yoga or a leisurely bike ride (for only 20 minutes!) can do so much more for your energy than a cup of coffee or an energy drink ever could.
So How Does Exercise Actually Increase Energy?

There’s a lot of amazing things going on in your body during a workout session. When you exercise, your body increases its production of serotonin, endorphins and dopamine — all of which are powerful mood boosters.
Dopamine, in particular, has been found to make us feel more alert and motivated. This is exactly why it pays to take that 20-minute walk during your lunch break instead of scrolling through your social feeds.
In addition, studies show that exercise has been found to help us sleep better.
When your body gets the rest it needs on a regular basis, you’ll have the energy to get through your busy day — and maybe even some to spare!
I can hear resounding voices in my head right now! “Well, I just don’t have the time.”
Yes, it can be hard – especially if you have a hectic schedule, a busy corporate job, or working for yourself and taking care of everything.
What I did when I was working at my corporate job was move my workout to the morning to increase my energy for the whole day.
But maybe that routine doesn’t work for you. If you simply can’t work it into your morning schedule, then try sticking to a lower intensity nighttime exercise routine so you can wind down when it’s time to sleep.
The most important thing is to fit in your movement at the best time for you – even if it’s during your break or lunch hour. Movement is key to boosting your energy and living a stronger, healthier life.
One last point about Exercise & Energy — the food you eat and the amount of water you’re drinking also play a huge role in your energy levels! In addition to getting regular exercise, be sure to fuel your body with whole foods throughout the day to keep your energy levels up.
Make It Fun

Whatever form of exercise or movement you decide to add to your routine, remember to make it fun.
If you don’t know how to make it fun, then reflect on this:
- What movement did you love to do as a kid?
- What movement would be fun to do with others?
- What’s something that you’ve never tried but you’ve always wanted to try?
The sky’s the limit. We don’t just have to stick to one thing. The most important thing is to add that movement in and make it a habit.
When you’re consistent, you’ll soon notice Increased energy levels and even a more positive outlook on life.
So now it’s your turn:
- What movement will you add to your routine?
- What kind of movement is fun for you?
Hit reply and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.
If you haven’t set up a healthy movement routine for yourself or you don’t know how to add that healthy nourishment to keep you energized throughout the day and would like some help, schedule your free “HEALTHY YOU” Clarity Call with me today.

This is a complimentary session. We’ll discuss your journey and self-care goals, and by the end of our chat, you’ll have:
- Some strategies and solutions
- A simple Action Plan &
- A free resource or two to help
How? Email and let’s chat.