Spring is a time for renewal.

It’s a time when the world around us blooms into beauty and there’s an innate desire within us to do the same.

When I was growing up in England, I remember the frigid winter months when it grew dark by 3:00 in the afternoon. Those chilly days were short and the nights, extra-long, all the more reason to hibernate and fill up on warm, comfort foods.

In the years that have followed, I’ve learned that sadness and depression can accompany the desire to hibernate and the feelings of the isolation that winter often brings.

I’m so thankful for the lessons I’ve learned in life that have enabled me to change my habits so that I can have year-round joy in my life – something that feeds my mind, soul and body.

Some of you may feel that the heaviness of Winter is still lingering, but as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, the winds of change are upon us. Spring is about to arrive.

And with the advent of the warmer season comes a common shift into spring-cleaning mode.

For each of us, this could mean something different:

  • Cleaning out the closets
  • Decluttering your home
  • Adopting healthier eating habits
  • A new relationship maybe?
  • A social media detox (who couldn’t use that?)

Or just simply open up the windows and freshen up the air in your home.

If you’re anything like me, you’re thirsting to be a little lighter and feel a little refreshed in more ways than one when spring finally finds you.

Here are a few ways you can feel lighter and renewed this Spring:

1. Simplify

Woman Living Simple Life

Simplify your meals and you’ll feel like a brand-new person.

Meal planning, grocery shopping, having to think of what’s for dinner each night… it’s exhausting.

Try eating very simply for the next few weeks and see how things shift for you.

Start by eliminating the processed foods from your shopping cart. Aim for whole foods as much as possible, with fewer ingredients and less prep time.

Think mason jar salads or roasted broccoli and a small piece of grilled salmon. Simplicity.

2. When life gives you lemons


It may sound incredibly simple, but that’s what we’re doing here! Simple, beneficial changes that don’t overwhelm.

Add a squeeze of lemon to your water in the morning (and throughout the day, if you wish) and enjoy the alkalizing, natural detoxification benefits.

Your digestive system will thank you and you’ll enjoy a nice boost of natural energy.

3. Clutter-Bust Your Life

Woman Decluttering

The state of your surroundings has a huge impact on your overall wellbeing.

Make a list of what you’d like to declutter in your home and in your own habits. Which are priorities for you? Begin with the biggest burden that weighs you down.

With spring cleaning, start small.

Think about the clothes in your closet. Can you remember the last time you’ve worn one whole half of the clothes in it? Start there.

4. Choose Healthier Food Options

Healthy Food

Spring is the perfect time to give your eating habits a makeover.

Take notice of how you feel on a daily basis. Are you feeling energized? Sluggish? Exhausted by 4 pm?

What you’re eating is an important piece of the answer to the question of how you’re feeling. If sluggish is more normal than energized for you, start incorporating more whole foods into your daily meals and snacks.

Phase out the processed foods one by one, replacing them with healthier options, add more salads or whole foods to your eating routine – and be sure to add protein and healthy condiments too.

5. Finesse Your Fitness Routine

Woman Walking

Have you been doing the same old fitness routine all winter long? If so, it can get monotonous. With the sun shining, it’s time to get back outdoors again and breathe in that fresh spring air.

Shake things up by taking a new class, try a new workout video, or go for a jog, hike or bike a new trail. Take up a new outdoor activity or sport.

Not only will spending more time outdoors benefit your fitness goals, but the fresh air will invigorate you. Communing with nature is freeing and rejuvenating.

Almost anything can be turned into a great opportunity to learn something new.

6. Little Improvements Have a Big Impact

Baby Walking Up Steps

What have you been intending to add to your life to give it more value?

  • Is it time to start painting again?
  • Is following a daily gratitude or journaling practice on your ‘To Do’ list?
  • Have you been promising yourself for months that you were finally going to start working out
  • Maybe getting back into reading more is something you’d love
  • Is it time to learn a new language?
  • Is THIS the year you’ll finally write that book?
  • Maybe you’re creative and it’s time to develop your talent

What instantly pops in your head when you read this?

Perhaps a new, relaxing evening ritual or a commitment to get bi-weekly massages for stress relief is on your list and this spring is the perfect time to begin it.

Start by adding one thing into the next week that will improve the quality of your life, health and well-being and bring more joy into it.

Pick one thing! Baby steps coupled with consistent, daily action will get you there in no time, without overwhelm.

It’s time for renewal. Spring is here!

I’d love to hear what you pick. Hit reply and let me know what new thing you’re going to start in the next week to add more quality to your own health and well-being.

What’s the one thing that will renew your mind, body, and soul?

If you’d like to “Spring Into Action” and do some spring-cleaning in your life, making your health and wellbeing a top priority, I’d love to help.

Contact me to schedule your FREE ‘Spring Into Health’ Breakthrough Session. By the end of our call, you’ll have a customized Action Plan along with some helpful resources to get you started on a path to a healthier lifestyle.

Just email lwadsworth@verizon.net.

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Lynne Wadsworth