The holiday season can certainly increase stress and cause this time of year to be filled with migraines.  While typical triggers include stress, excessive noise, alcohol, and festive food, when several social events as well as these other triggers  occurs simultaneously, and for several consecutive days, this definitely adds to the problem.

To help you this season, I am giving you seven tips to help you prevent this from happening so that you can enjoy the holidays without the headache!

1. Start Your Day with Water
Dehydration is one of the most common migraine triggers. I get it. It’s way too easy to forget to drink water when there is so much happening around you. My suggestion is that you keep a glass or bottle of water on your bedside table so you can start your day off right!

2. Limit Sweet Snacks
Refined sugars -chocolates, sweets, cookies etc. are known migraine triggers. Because they are found in abundance – just about everywhere around us during the holidays, it is way too easy to indulge more than usual. So stay strong and drink water. Try drinking a glass of water instead.

3. Limit Stress
Not hosting the big family Christmas dinner would be so much better for you, although not always possible. If that is the case for you and you are hosting the big event, then be sure to plan ahead as much as possible and delegate on the big day! 

Pro Tip:  Cook a suitable recipe that can be made prior to the day so that you don’t have to take on everything at once. And ask everyone to bring a dish!

4. Avoid Alcohol As Much As Possible 
Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration which, as you know, can trigger migraines. Not only that, but there are chemicals such as tyramine and sulfites in wine, which are also known to be triggers for migraines. If really want to have some alcohol, space them with non-alcoholic ones (preferably a glass of water to each glass of alcohol) and drink in moderation.

5. Don’t Drink Extra Coffee 
Caffeine can be a migraine trigger, especially if you are drinking more than usual. This can also cause dehydration since coffee acts as a diuretic. Again, for each cup you drink, try a glass of water – or try switching to decaf or herbal tea!

6. Use Christmas Lights in Moderation. 

Since many migraine sufferers are sensitive to bright lights, if that is you, use the static mode and limit yourself to a couple decorations in your house!

7. Beware of the Artificial Scents and Candles 
Scented candles are very popular during the holidays but if you prone to migraines caused by strong smells, while very fragrant and festive, burning candles could trigger a migraine very fast. Instead, try using natural ambiance scents and real spices. You can very easily slice oranges/lemons, boil them in a pan with a couple of cinnamon sticks so to fragrance the house beautifully without the added chemicals!


It’s all about moderation. Plan what you can – yet, be prepared for what you can’t. And remember, have an escape plan in case all else fails: like a dark, quiet place in the you are able to retreat in case of a migraine attack.

If you feel you just are getting nowhere managing your own stress or your migraines and you feel you are going down the same downward spiral over and over again, check out my migraine book, “Conquering Migraines: Your Guide To Life Without Pain.”  Not only are there lots of natural remedies, but also a bunch of migraine-safe recipes to help you prevent your migraines. My book is available on my Website for pdf download or you can also purchase it there from Amazon (for e-readers or printed copy). Perhaps you know someone who is suffering with migraines. This would make a great gift.