Do you feel powerless when it comes to your migraines? Then let’s talk about 4 Migraine Solutions for 2019.

I know this described me very well when it came to my migraines. Suffering from debilitating migraines definitely left me feeling powerless and out-of-control. Both of these feelings are totally contrary to my nature. I like to feel I have control so when I dealt with this powerlessness, it was really difficult.

Most of us living with migraines feel that way. We feel we have no control over our social calendar, no control when we are planning events, and not even control over how our work week will be.

With that said, it is important to remember that there are steps you can take to better manage your symptoms and take control of your migraines. That might mean taking steps like keeping a food journal or diary to better understand your triggers, maybe using some essential oils that help when a migraine attack begins to raise its ugly head, or perhaps for you it is consulting a headache specialist. Whatever actions you take, you are ultimately trying to improve your life with migraine in real, measurable ways.

We are just starting off 2019, and I hope that this is the year you take control of your migraines.

In this blog, I am giving you four tips that can make your “migraine life” better, plus I’m giving you some resources and actionable steps to make help you incorporate these habits into your life.

1. Stay away from red wine

Taking control of the way you eat and drink in order to manage your migraines is a great strategy for 2019. You probably encounter some type of food or alcohol triggers with your migraines. It is very common for this to happen.

Alcohol is a common migraine trigger – and red wine is the most-cited culprit. With many red wines, sulfites and tyramine are added to the wine – both of which are migraine triggers. Learning more about how certain foods and drinks affect you and keeping them out of your normal diet makes a big difference – at least it did for me. for many. Download your free migraine/headache diary >>HERE<< so that you can to learn more about how your eating habits can help you reduce your risk of food-related migraine attacks.

2. Start practicing yoga.

Even if you only commit to 10 minutes a day 3-4 days a week, that is a great start. There’s evidence that regular exercise can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Yoga is a great way to start!  Not only has exercise has been found to reduce stress – another common migraine trigger – but it also helps regulate sleep and combat obesity, which also contributes to migraine.

Pro Tips About Exercise:

  1. Eating before exercise can prevent your blood sugar from dropping and keep you energized during workouts.
  2. If you’re increasing your physical activity, consider that you may have to alter your diet to meet your changing caloric needs.
  3. Stay hydrated – drink water before and after your workout (and throughout the rest of the day).
  4. Invest in quality shoes if you walk, run, engage in yoga, etc.

As a migraine sufferer, you might not be ready to introduce robust exercise or yoga into your routine, to begin with, as exercise can trigger an attack. However, as you gain more control and develop a better understanding of your migraine symptoms, experimenting with exercise as a treatment strategy can be a worthwhile endeavor. It’s a great natural solution to a multitude of migraine-related symptoms and risk factors.

3.  Reconnect with People

It’s difficult enough as a migraine sufferer to maintain relationships with friends and family, but a strong support system can make a big difference. Unfortunately, a lack of understanding and sympathy from those around you can generate stress and anxiety – only making matters worse and making life with a migraine even harder. I would love you to join my private Facebook community to support migraine sufferers. You can build and strengthen your support system when you join, ask questions, and get tips and input from fellow sufferers. Join >>here<<

4.  Keep hope alive in the face of adversity

Does this sound impossible to you? Migraine is a severe, disabling disease, and on a bad day it’s easy to feel down and depressed about your diagnosis. Theodore Roosevelt said, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” Try to make it a goal in 2019 to stay hopeful. I am here to help you and our Facebook group would be happy to support you. Tell us in the group if you will stay committed to other migraine resolutions – especially the more natural kind – as you go into this New Year. I would love to help you make 2019 a year of fewer migraine attacks.

Comment below and let me know how I can help or book your free 30-minute discovery call so that we can discuss your migraines and I can give you 2 to 3 tips to help.  Schedule >>here<<

Serves 4

4 sweet potatoes, chopped
2 tablespoons coconut oil
sea salt and black pepper to taste
2 large lemons, juiced
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon dried basil
2 apples, cored and chopped
2 cups purple cabbage
6 cups mixed greens
½ cup raisins
½ cup pumpkin seeds


Choice of Protein: Roasted Chicken

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.

Add chopped sweet potatoes to a large mixing bowl and coat with coconut oil, sea salt, and black pepper. Layer onto a baking sheet and bake for about 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and turn the sweet potatoes over with a fork. Bake for an additional 10 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from the oven, then set to the side to cool.

Next, mix the lemon juice, olive oil, and dried basil in a bowl. Season with sea salt and black pepper. Divide the dressing between 4 one-quart mason jars. Next, divide the salad ingredients between the jars in the following order: apples, sweet potatoes, chicken (optional), purple cabbage, mixed greens, raisins, and pumpkin seeds.