What does living a dynamic life mean to you? Is your life as dynamic as you’d like it to be?

With so many stresses, and so much going on, we often find ourselves exhausted, stressed out and juggling a whole bunch of extra (family, work, the house, the cooking…). Add in a global pandemic and it’s no wonder our overall mental health is tanking, depression and anxiety is rising and people are turning to drastic measures just to stay functional.

Many of us are feeling totally out of control. Toss in some pressing health issues on top of all of that, and the time to do something proactive for our health is right now.

Recently, I found myself facing a health situation that was totally unexpected. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed with it all, but I am thankful for the tools I have in my toolbox, and the strategies I know I can use to change things for the better in my own life to find peace and joy.

As we approach midlife, it’s common to take stock and evaluate our situation. With the benefit of experience and wisdom, we can even get to questioning what it’s all about.

  • What has our life amounted to so far?
  • Why do we even bother to keep going?
  • Does this path/way of life/ideology continue to serve us in a positive way?

With so much changing around us – how we interact with our family and friends, how we do business and work, how our children are educated and what our future prospects are – we just don’t know if things will ever be the same again.

And that’s a lot of uncertainty.

Here’s what I know for sure: YOU deserve a JOY-Filled, dynamic life and here are my best 10 tips to help you fill your life with happiness – despite these unprecedented and challenging times:

Drink The Most Nourishing Choices Of Liquids

When it comes to nourishing your body, choose good ol’ H2O! With adequate hydration, you’re immediately doing your body a favour by giving it what it needs.

Drink at least eight 8oz glasses of water every single day.

Keep up the helpful hydration by adding organic smoothies and raw juices to your daily routine. By juicing more veggies than fruit you’ll sneak those hard-to-eat vegetables in your diet.

A simple smoothie:

Green Smoothie Recipe

Another trick: Drink infused water by add fruit to pure water and have it ferment in the fridge for a couple hours until the nutrients penetrate the liquid and are ready for your body to take advantage of them.

Nourish Your Body With Nutrients

Every time you’re about to ingest food, pause and ask if what you’re about to put into your body will nourish it or not.

By choosing foods that nourish your body and are designed to support it, simply choose foods in their most natural form.  The rule to follow is ‘the less processed the better.’  Aim for foods that are mostly raw, not packaged, not fried, not “fast” served, and foods that, if there’s a label involved, the ingredients are easily understood. 

Stick to the outer aisles when you shop for groceries. Most of the products down the aisles contain harsh preservatives. Choose mostly organic veggies and fruits. Aim for food items that are free from pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and antibiotics. Choose meats that are free-range from farms where animals are cared for and treated respectfully.

It’s as easy as that old saying we heard our mother’s say, “Eat your fruits and veggies.” It’s truly as simple as that.  If you don’t like to eat vegetables, try juicing them.

A nourished body creates a nourished balanced mood.

Relax & Dream

Woman Relaxing

Relaxing and allowing the body to sleep and refuel is vital to your overall health and well-being.

Imagine driving your vehicle around non-stop for a week. At some point, the engine will let you know it’s had enough. Your body is your vehicle. It carries you from the cradle to the grave and it has certain needs to maintain health. One of those is enough sleep – 8 hours is a good target to aim for each night.

Your body needs time to relax and release all that’s cluttering up your mind. (Plus did you know that collagen rebuilds overnight – and as we age, who doesn’t want all the collagen they can get?)

So, “relax and dream” because even if we’re getting the right amount of nighttime shut-eye – we also need to take the time to truly let the energies within our body calm and find center throughout the day as well.

Think about what relaxes your body. How can you include some relaxation techniques in your daily routine? Even deep breathing can have a profound effect on your relaxation process.

Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

Woman Dancing

This sounds pretty simple, but when was the last time you let your body freely flow in the form of thoughtless movement and pure joy?
Having a regular daily workout routine is certainly excellent for your health and those endorphins boost your mood, but I also recommend letting go!

Freely move. Freely dance around to your favourite music as if nobody’s watching – it’s soul-freeing. You’ll release tension, increase your joy and get that heart pumping that valuable oxygen through your blood. Plus…you’ll sleep better too.

Indulge in key foundational supplements

Our body runs on required vitamins and nutrients. Our digestive system runs on required “good bacteria” to function properly. You can find all kinds of vitamins and minerals in foods but sometimes, you just have to take a good dose of Vitamin D3 (1000mg), especially as we age. This is even more important during the months when the sun is hiding. Omega 3s and, of course, a multi-strand 5 billion CFU probiotic can also be beneficial.

You want quality over quantity with everything in life, including supplements.

Fearlessly dream and nourish your soul


This step is vital for mood boosting. Too often, we stop dreaming, especially when we become an adult and our responsibilities get in the way of our child-like free thinking mind.

Try this exercise in your journal or notebook:

  1. Write down your top 3 dreams – without fear, and without any thoughts of objects or circumstances that you think may get in the way
  2. What would you do if time and money were no obstacle?
  3. Where would you go?
  4. Who’d be with you?

Plan your dreams with easy to take steps

Writing Dreams in Journal

So, now that you’ve fearlessly written down your top 3 dreams without worry or care, figure out how to implement them.

That’s right – forget the routines, the schedules, the responsibilities, and PLAN to make your dreams come true. You can plan for 1 year, 2 years, 3 years or more – but whatever you do…

  • Do not give up
  • It’s NEVER too late
  • DREAMS DO COME TRUE – when you have the courage to pursue them.

This is your chance in life to live fearlessly, with boldness, with confidence that YOU deserve your dream.

This is your time to stop putting what fuels your soul on the back burner – and start fighting for the life you want.  Take those proactive steps to turn your dreams into your reality.

Find Time To Explore And Play

When was the last time you played?

If you tell me it was when you were 10 years old, the time to make a change is right now. Playing doesn’t end as we get older. We just need to create a balance between work and play.

Find time to explore life and play with it.

Here are 4 tips that you can take to add some playfulness to your life:

  1. Make dinner reservations at the new local restaurant
  2. Make plans to enjoy the hit movie when the theater opens
  3. Take a walk through a nature park and observe the beauty, listen to the animals and birds, the sounds of the babbling brook
  4. Be crazy adventurous and just get in the car and GO somewhere, anywhere the wheels take you.
Little Girl Walking in Nature

Life is too short to stop playing, too vast to stop exploring, and too beautiful to let it pass by as we run on the wheel of life.

Create Time For Your Own Self-Care – You’re Worth It!!

I can’t begin to tell you how this concept is the most important step to take to enhancing your mood. Self-care doesn’t need to be complicated – in fact, the simpler the better. By practicing it daily, you’ll not only feel more balanced physically and emotionally but spiritually and mentally.

Self-care doesn’t just mean a new pedicure, a new pretty accessory, or a massage. Include an hour of peace to read or journal daily, time to enjoy a luxurious bubble bath or your favourite tea or coffee. Add in time to meditate, practice yoga, follow an exercise routine and time for you to invest in what you love to do – develop a talent or hobby.

Taking care of you is by no means selfish. In fact, it’s one of the most important keys to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. After all, how can you even begin to take care of others if you don’t constantly refuel yourself?

Self-care is totally designed to do that.


Do you have a hard time taking time out for self-care? If so, then schedule and plan out “self-care time” in your calendar. Yes, it’s an appointment for your health and wellbeing – and yes – you’re worth it.

By practicing at least one or two of these activities every day, you’ll soon realize that self-care isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity – and you’ll wonder where it’s been all your life!

“When you discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”
~ Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.

Laugh More. It’s the best medicine.

Child Laughing

Life is so much better when we don’t take it too seriously.

Sometimes, we just need to laugh – whether it’s for fun or through tears. Surround yourself with people who lift your spirits and help you enjoy life.

Maybe you find it hard to let go.

Last month in my Energized Healthy Women’s Club I asked what made members laugh. It was anywhere from hanging out with a group of friends, watching children play or watching a funny movie.

Laughter is a known healer as it produces “happy” chemicals in your body. It’s been known to be the best medicine.

Live. Love. Laugh. Leave a Legacy.

The leaving a legacy part is often left out, but that’s a topic for another day.

If you’d like some help figuring out how to incorporate meditation and mindfulness into your daily schedule or creating a practice with it to take advantage of this powerful tool, I’d love to chat. Just schedule a free YOUR HEALTHY LIFE Clarity Call by replying below or sending an email lwadsworth@verizon.net.

Lynne Wadsworth