Here in the United States, we often think of November as the month when our holiday season kicks off. We begin by celebrating Thanksgiving, practicing gratitude and recognizing our many blessings.

Read on to find some simple ways to Fall into Wellness and uplevel your health and wellbeing – even through the holiday season, the parties, feasts and family gatherings.

Start Your Day with Hydration and Detoxification

Delicious Lemon Water

Start your day off with warm water with fresh lemon squeezed.

Something so simple can make a difference in your health when you choose lemon water as the first thing you drink when you wake up — before any coffee.

You can boil some water in a tea kettle or warm it in the microwave, then squeeze half a lemon into your warm water. This will wake up your metabolism and help flush out toxins, jumpstarting your day with a kick of hydration and Vitamin C.

Practice Daily Meditation

Woman Meditating

This practice can be as brief as a few moments or as long as it takes to get you to a place of calm.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes – it’s all fine and acceptable as a routine, but the key is to practice it daily.

Download a meditation app such as Headspace or Calm, or find one you enjoy on YouTube.

Choose when you’ll practice this calming strategy each day. It can be something you begin the day with, something you quietly practice on your lunch break or make it a part of your sleep routine as you prepare for bed.

Making a plan, blocking off the time and scheduling this practice right into your calendar will help you stick to it.

Start a Gratitude Journal

HeartSaying I Am Grateful

This is another simple daily practice that’ll only take a few moments but has the power to change your life for the better. Plus, practicing gratitude falls right into the theme of Thanksgiving.

The practice is SO simple, but so powerful and will help you shift your focus to the positive. What we focus on expands – so you’ll be amazed at how the positive things in your life multiply.

Here’s how:

  1. Pick yourself up a pretty notebook you’ll be excited to write in each morning or evening.
  2. Spend a few minutes in the morning or before bed thinking about what you’re grateful for
  3. Write the things down in your journal

You can also keep your gratitude journal digitally in the Notepad on your phone if you prefer.

Aim for Restful Quality Sleep

Woman Sleeping Peacefully

I know this is something many people struggle with, and there could be various underlying issues causing poor sleep.

If you’re one of the millions who struggle to fall asleep or stay sleeping through the night here are some suggestions to help:

• Create and follow a wind-down routine each night
• Come off your laptop or phone at least an hour before you’d like to sleep
• Put your phone on a charger that’s outside your bedroom and use a different kind of alarm
• Read before bed to calm your mind
• Listen to a calming meditation
• Have a warm bath or shower
• If you rise mid-slumber to use the bathroom, stop drinking fluids at dinnertime
• Reduce your caffeine intake throughout the day
• A relaxing cup of chamomile tea may be helpful

Whatever helps you unwind, try doing that every night and make it part of your regular sleep routine.


Woman Walking In The Crips Fall Air

There are many proven benefits to getting enough movement and exercise each day. Now that the weather has cooled off, it can be more enjoyable to get out and enjoy the beauty of nature before the cold weather sets in.

Here are just a few of the benefits of movement:

  • Keeps you young
  • Reduces infections
  • Prevents heart attacks
  • Eases asthma
  • Controls blood sugar
  • Protects against cancer
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Relieves hot flashes
  • Prolongs life
  • Improves your sleep quality

Your daily movement goals don’t have to be complicated.

There are some very simple ways to get some physical activity into your schedule. Here are some simple ways to fit more gentle movement into your routine:

  1. Walk for half an hour instead of extra screen time or while on your lunch break
  2. Instead of sitting down to read a book, read while pedaling an exercise bike or treadmill.
  3. Stand more while you’re at work. If you have the option to get a standing desk, it’s a great way to eliminate the usual long hours in a chair.
  4. Use a Yoga ball as a chair at your desk. This forces you to engage your core throughout the day and challenges your balance.
  5. Grab a friend or two and enjoy walking with some social time

There are so many different ways we can Fall Into Wellness and I’ve just mentioned a few. Some other routines to consider are your other daily self-care practices, your breathing techniques and how you nourish your body.

If you’d like to learn some more ways to Fall Into Wellness, autumn is a perfect time to get into a routine of rest, rejuvenation, and renewal and create a wellness ritual that works for you and your lifestyle.

I’d like to personally invite you to join us in the Energized Healthy Women’s Club.

All month long, I’ll be sharing my best tips, tricks and strategies to increase your wellness and help you create and establish healthy habits that fit into your lifestyle. You’ll learn how to manage stress more effectively, how to nourish your body with wholesome foods, simple actions you can take to have better health this fall.

There’ll be a little exercise challenge, some gratitude prompts, healthy recipes, easily applicable solutions, and short weekly lives to help with application and implementation in your life. Plus, you’ll navigate your way through Thanksgiving and the holiday season with ease.

It’s simple to join.

  1. If we’re not already friends on Facebook, friend me here:
  2. Send me a request to join the Energized Healthy Women’s Club.
  3. Invite your friends too. It’s always more fun that way.

Hope you’ll join the journey to improved health and wellness this fall.

Invitation to Group

Lynne Wadsworth