by Lynne Wadsworth | Dec 15, 2018 | Healthy Holidays, Migraines, Stress
The holiday season can certainly increase stress and cause this time of year to be filled with migraines. While typical triggers include stress, excessive noise, alcohol, and festive food, when several social events as well as these other triggers occurs...
by Lynne Wadsworth | Dec 8, 2018 | Anti-Inflammatory, Healthy Lifestyle, Migraines, Sugar
Did you know that inflammation is at the root of numerous ailments and diseases? Getting inflammation under control can have a significant impact on your headaches and migraines while reducing chronic pain, as well as depression, autoimmune disorders, digestive...
by Lynne Wadsworth | Nov 25, 2018 | Anti-Inflammatory, Migraines
Can you believe there are 16 types of migraines? Have you even given much thought to it? You probably imagine that they range from a dull throb that doesn’t require pain relievers to excruciating pain that could merit a trip to the emergency room. So hold on to...
by Lynne Wadsworth | Nov 14, 2018 | Healthy Eating, Healthy Holidays, Healthy Lifestyle, Migraines, Sugar
Here we are again — the season of all the good food is upon us! Can you even believe Thanksgiving is just about here? Where did the time go? As the holiday season begins to “heat up” again, as migraine sufferers, we often begin to worry about all the...
by Lynne Wadsworth | Oct 31, 2018 | Anti-Inflammatory, Energy, Healthy Eating, Healthy Lifestyle, Hormones, Migraines, Sugar
I don’t need to tell you, I’m sure, that when you have a migraine, food can either help or hurt. There are some nutritional aspects of foods that will help you suffer less when you choose wisely. When you are going round the grocery store, labels can make...
by Lynne Wadsworth | Oct 17, 2018 | Migraines
Even if you say no to dessert, skip candy at the movies, and avoid sugary soft drinks, how can you curb your sweet tooth and keep your blood sugar more stable? You will remember that last week we talked about the correlation between sugar and migraines. This week I...