When we think of February, we think of love.

It may have become very commercialized with all the hype around Valentine’s Day – and it’s great to celebrate your loved ones and take time to appreciate and love them, right?

But what about you?

We often overlook a very important part of the love ritual – loving ourselves.

Over the years, I’ve had my own journey when it comes to self-love and acceptance but I’ve come a long way. Following a few very traumatic rejections in my life, I felt like I was worthless and I spent some time anaesthetizing myself with alcohol so I didn’t have to deal with my emotions.

What I learned was that despite my “stiff upper lip” British upbringing, emotions stockpile until we do actually do face them and manage them.

I’ve been fortunate to have people in my life who’ve helped me deal with my emotions in a healthier way which inspired me to develop a much healthier outlook on life, and a much with more loving relationship with myself.

How freeing it is when you can love yourself for who you truly are.

So as February arrives, determine in your heart to embrace your feelings and cultivate a more loving and gracious relationship with yourself.

I challenge you to make February about loving yourself more.

Here are a few tips to help you:

Be Kind to Yourself

Happy Woman

The first thing you need to do when you’re working on managing your feeling and attitude about yourself, is to give yourself a break.

Practice cultivating and keeping a positive attitude as you go through each day. This can help you have the strength and mindset to work on your feelings.

Be More Positive

When you’re feeling down and feeling as if you’re not worthy of love and acceptance, it’s easy to become your own worst enemy. This can include taking the blame for things that aren’t your fault, or avoiding taking responsibility for things that are.

The very things that are the hardest to complete when you’re in the “deepest of pits” are likely the exact things that could help you to get more control over your negative emotions.

If you find yourself dwelling on negative thoughts or tearing yourself down, take action to shift your thoughts into the positive. This can include doing something you love to do or something physical or talking with someone you know who cares.

Say Nice Things to Yourself

Pretty Flower

The internal chatter you have with yourself can greatly influence the way you feel about yourself. It’s extremely important to pay very close attention to your inner dialogue. What are those gremlin voices saying?

Accusatory, negative thoughts where you insult yourself routinely can put a very real-world spin on how you feel about yourself. Begin taking time out during your day to say something positive to yourself.

Affirmation Examples:

  •  I approve of you.
  •  I am worthy of love and joy.
  •  My life is a gift.
  •  I surround myself with positive people who’ll help bring the best out in me.
  •  I release my negative thoughts, embracing positivity and optimism.
  •  I am healthy and confident.

It’s also a great idea to keep working on yourself. Make a commitment to yourself to be positive ABOUT yourself.

Learn a New Skill or Get Creative

Woman Being Creative

While time to rest is a good thing, idle time can be an open doorway that leads to other challenges, leaving us too much time to think and wallow in self-pity.

Sometimes the best medicine is to stay busy with something that gives you a sense of accomplishment or happiness.

Taking on a project that can develop new skills can be a tremendous boost to your confidence, because sometimes all you need is the reminder of how capable you are.

Art is great for people. That’s why it’s used in rehabilitation in so many different fields. Working with horses is also therapeutic. Volunteering with animals or the less fortunate is incredibly rewarding. If you’ve ever wanted to learn a new language or develop your musical skills – this is a great opportunity.

There’s a type of power that creative expression can have on people.

If you’ve ever thought about doing any type of art or hobby, or learning a new skillset, it might be worth it to just try something new. You never know what might keep your attention and help you to wash away your woes.

Take a Leap

Feeling unworthy and down on yourself can be something that sneaks up on you. If you find this happening to you, then a change of pace might be your solution.

We tend to be creatures of habit and while that isn’t always a bad thing, it’s important to be spontaneous every now and then.

Maybe there’s someone in your sphere that you’re curious about and want to hang out with or maybe there’s that friend you’ve not seen in a long time, now’s the perfect time to reconnect.

Maybe you need to reach out for advice from someone you respect.

Almost anything can be turned into a great opportunity to learn something new.

Make Small Daily Changes

As you embark on your journey to improve your self-love it’s important to keep your daily habits in mind. Having regular routines can help you to feel better on a daily basis.

Here are some small, daily changes that can make a big difference in how you feel.

Try Some Light Exercise:

One of the top overlooked activities that can help you to manage your overall wellbeing – both your physical and your mental health – is exercise.

When you give your body a workout, your brain releases chemicals that help to regulate mood (and other processes in your body). These can help take the edge off how you’re feeling and even serve to reduce your anxiety and stress levels.

When you’re exercising for your health, as opposed to weight loss or fitness, you have more freedom in the types of exercises you choose. Start slow and experiment with different types of physical activity until you find what works best for you.

It can be a light walk around the block, or just a few crunches. The idea here, is just to do a little bit of something, and work your way up slowly in small ways. This will keep you from feeling overwhelmed and protect you from the possibility of injuries.

Go Into the Light:

Did you know that studies have shown that the human body needs a certain amount of light per day?

Sunlight interacts with cells in your body that tell your body how to regulate some of its essential processes. This includes the amount of hormones it produces that control when you sleep and how your food is processed. Take some time to get out during the day and soak up some of that sunlight.

Think of small ways to get outside more each day, such as:

  • Taking your lunch break outside.
  • Going for an extra walk in the morning or at night.
  • Taking your dog on a longer walk in the sunshine.
  • Spending your weekends with outdoor activities.

Spending Time with Friends:

When most people feel depressed, it can be easy for them to become overly absorbed in tasks as they begin to isolate themselves. If you find yourself wanting to spend more time alone, it allows you to dwell on unrealistic and unhealthy thinking.

Having people around helps you stay uplifted and enjoy a sense of connection.

Try Some Breathing and Meditation:

This doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out practice. If you’re a beginner, just start with 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening and gradually increase your time, if you want to. Of course, if you’re feeling stressed or anxious during the day, this is something you can easily do at your desk without drawing attention to yourself.

Many people find it helpful to start a breathing or mindful meditation practice by focusing on their breath, and silently count inhalations and exhalations: In (one), out (two), in (three), and so on. This gives you something to focus on besides intrusive thoughts.

This is a great way to ground or center yourself so you can bring the focusing to your wellbeing yourself – how beautiful and worthy you are.

Lastly, have a great schedule

Make a List of Your Healthy Habits. Create A Daily Schedule

  • Upon waking, Practice some breathing mediation before you jump out of bed
  • Next, lemon water and your gratitude list
  • Lunch – 2 minutes of deep breathing
  • Dinner – chew with intention
  • Nighttime: journal and show yourself some self-love with affirmations
  • Practice your breathing mediation before going to sleep

It can be challenging to shift yourself out of negativity if you’re recovering from a heartbreak or a personal setback in life – those cycles are normal.

Have a positive and loving attitude about yourself…..and if you’d like some support through your journey to improved self-love and self-care, I’d be delighted to help.

If you’re ready to incorporate a fulfilling self-care and self-love practice that’ll add more joy and love to your life, there’s no reason to ‘go it alone’ another year for the same results.

Let’s make this next year YOUR year! Start it with a fresh new plan and finish it with a whole new attitude about yourself. Schedule your free ‘Healthy For Life’ Strategy Call with me today. Together, we’ll chat about what you’d like to create this year and you’ll come away with some strategies and resources to help you along the way.

Simply send an email here: lwadsworth@verizon.net

Lynne Wadsworth