

Show Notes:

About Nicole Jansen:

Over the past 30 years, Nicole Jansen has coached and trained thousands of leaders, helping them achieve extraordinary results in business and in life.

Certified Human Behavior Specialist, Business Breakthrough Coach, and Strategic Intervention Coach, Nicole has developed her own special brand of mentorship, which focuses on tapping into your strengths and true purpose, integrating business and life mastery principles for lasting success.

Founder of Discover the Edge, her passion for transformation and growth extends to the next generation of leaders, where she teaches and empowers people to embrace their strengths and passion through conferences, workshops and 1:1 coaching and mentoring.

When she’s not interviewing amazing podcast guests or working with clients, Nicole enjoys spending quality time with her family and friends, reading, jogging, and walking the beaches of sunny California.

What We Discuss In This Episode:

How Nicole manages her health and wellness while living a healthy lifestyle.

Nicole shares her own story when it comes to perimenopause.  As an action-taker and her busy lifestyle, she shares how hormone imbalances have played a role in her own life. She lives a healthy lifestyle, but found that hitting midlife brought about changes that she didn’t even feel ready for. Like many of us, Nicole found herself in the midst of all these changes without quite knowing what was going on.

During all of these changes, she sought counsel from different sources which have helped her manage her life and well-being through these symptoms. She shares some of the natural modalities she has used to help her through this phase of life.

It is always encouraging and uplifting when we hear other people’s stories and how they have journeyed through this phase of life.

Free Resources from Nicole Jansen:


Connect with Nicole Jansen:

Leaders of Transformation Podcast:


Connect With Lynne Wadsworth

If you are looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey – just like you are – to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne’s private community in The Energized & Healthy Women’s Club. It’s a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, wrangling sugar gremlins, and overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, and much more so women can feel energized, healthy, confident, and joyful each day.

Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth

MID-LIFE got you spinning? Are you ready to feel energized, vibrant, and healthy?   Join us on our journey to increased vitality, holistic health, and wellness.  We share tips, recipes, encouragement in a fun and safe community. Grab your free resource here:

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