September often gives us the feeling of a new beginning.  It’s a chance to refocus on the goals we set out for the year and slide back into our routines after a long, luxurious summer.  

Fall is also a very busy time of year.

While October tends to be the beginning of the holiday season, you don’t have to let all the bustle take the wind out of your sails and the focus off your health goals.

There are certain things you can do to have a healthier fall for you and your family.  Here are a few tips to get you on your way to a healthier holiday season this year.

Make the Most of Seasonal Foods

September often gives us the feeling of a new beginning.  It’s a chance to refocus on the goals we set out for the year and slide back into our routines after a long, luxurious summer.  

We always think about apples and pumpkins in fall because it’s prime season for them.  While pumpkin pie and pumpkin spice lattes aren’t so good for us, roasted pumpkin, pumpkin soup, or even mashed pumpkin is delicious and nutritious.

Apples don’t need to go into pies to be sublime.  Slice them up and top them with your favorite nut butter for a delicious and nutritious snack.  Add a slice of cheddar cheese and you have another healthy snack.  There are so many wonderful varieties of apples, you won’t get bored finding your favorites

Look for other seasonal foods that support your healthy lifestyle goals, and you’ll find you can easily fill your plate with seasonal foods that you’ll love.

Prepare for and Protect From Colds

Yes, it’s that time of year – flu and cold season, and this one is even more challenging as we navigate through our global Coronavirus pandemic.

Be proactive.

Here are some things to do before you notice everyone around you sniffling and sneezing:

  • Keep your hands off your face and keep them clean.
  • Get enough rest to keep your immunity at it’s highest
  • Drink plenty of water
  • A healthy, balanced and nutritious diet will give your body, and your immunity, the best chances to stave off illness

By taking excellent care of yourself you’ll be less likely to catch a nasty bug even when others around you fall sick.

On a personal note here, I have traveled in the midst of flu season, and have been on planes where everyone around me has the sniffles. If I am traveling or even now during the pandemic, I use extra Vitamin C, Zinc, and yes, I frequently use my DoTerra OnGuard.  

Stay Out of the Candy Trap ? ?

I’ll be the first to admit it:  one of my favorite things about fall is Halloween – mostly because of the chocolate!  Can you relate to the Halloween chocolate obsession?

As tempting as it may be to buy that big bag and stash it away for when the trick or treaters come around, don’t do it!   If you’re like me and just can’t resist it, wait until just before Halloween to purchase.  

Here are some other tips:  choose something you wouldn’t eat yourself, or even better, keep the neighborhood happy and healthy by buying small sticker packs instead.  There are numerous healthy Halloween ?options to choose from!

Get Into the Great Outdoors

With the cooler, crisp air of autumn, it’s nice to get outdoors and get those cheeks nice and rosy.  Hiking, biking, dog walking, jogging are all wonderful ways to enjoy the change of the season.

Staying active during the fall is an excellent way to keep your health in exceptional condition.

Now the weather is cooler, I certainly plan on making the most of it here in Florida!

Make Wise Celebration Choices

Halloween is just the beginning.

With fall comes football parties, Thanksgiving, and the charge into even more holidays.   Christmas brings the endless buffets of food, sweets, and ever-flowing indulgences.

You don’t need to miss out on all the fun and festivities, but you can choose wisely when you’re eating and visiting. 

At parties, fill your plate with veggies first before sampling sweets.  That way, you’re not ravenous when you hit the sweet table.  When you do choose to indulge, pick just one or two of your favorites.  You may want just a few bites of each rather than the entire piece of both.  These strategies will help you avoid weight gain as you head into the New Year.

Don’t forget to have fun this fall.   And if you do fall into any of these fall pitfalls, take care and take steps to get right back on track!

P.S. If you are looking for some fun things to do this fall, download my Fun Fall Bucket List:

PPS – Interested in purchasing DoTerra OnGuard (mentioned above) to protect your health?  Let me know or reply below and I’ll extend a 10% savings to you.  It has been a life-saver for me.