
When things get in our way, it’s difficult to remain unflustered and stay calm.

But to get to where we want to go, we must persist.

It’s been said that failing at something we want to achieve is simply a part of the path to success. Keep going, without giving up, and you’ll find the solutions that’ll move you beyond the failure.

Without giving up, your success is a foregone conclusion.

The trick is: Just Don’t Give Up!

Eating healthy, getting enough exercise, making time for yourself each day… it can feel impossible to juggle it all during the holidays especially with all of the other things on your to-do list.

I’m not here to tell you it’ll be easy. It won’t be.

Here are my Top 5 tried and tested tips to Stay Focused On Your Health during the busy holiday season – and still enjoy them!

  1. Just go with it. If today’s not the day to eat only kale, it simply isn’t. And that’s okay. This is a time to celebrate and sometimes nourishing our soul with that 2nd sugar cookie is necessary.
  2. If you do “make a mistake,” don’t dwell on it. Acknowledge it and then forget it.  You’re a HUMAN, after all.  Whatever it was, I hope you enjoyed it fully and completely – right down to the last crumb.  Time to move on! Try this freeing affirmation to help:
Woman Looking Out On Mountain
  1. Hydrate. Just add more water. A simple strategy your body will thank you for!
  2. Embrace the Non-Supporters. You’ll likely meet some people along your health journey who don’t support you. We all do. While it’s unfortunate, it is painful when it’s someone we care about. That’s okay. It doesn’t mean they don’t like you or don’t want to see you succeed. It may just mean that they’re afraid of starting to take their own journey and are jealous of yours or that they simply don’t understand why anyone would want to give up sugar cookies for the holidays.
  3. Stay positive! For many people, the holidays are a very stressful, and possibly even negative time of year. Some are even plagued with depressing thoughts. What you think about multiplies exponentially. Guard against this by crowding in as much positive as possible to avoid focusing on the negative. Celebrate the good in your life. Take up a gratitude process – no matter how bad things are, there’s always something to be thankful for. Practice self-care that supports positivity in your life and you’ll start to feel a renewed sense of inspiration and empowerment.

Granting yourself some grace to go with the flow and embrace your human imperfections will make the journey more enjoyable, and more successful.

Having a human day of binging?

Asking Forgiveness

Forgive yourself and move on. It’s one day. Don’t let yourself get derailed over it – run after that wagon you’ve bumped yourself off of and jump right back on – don’t wait to January 1st, don’t wait until Monday – start fresh tomorrow with a clean slate and a positive outlook.

Everyone’s health journey is unique to them. My question for you is: What are you going to celebrate along the way?

Picture of Surviving the Holiday

Want a little more help and support?  Grab my bonus gift – “Surviving the Holidays.” Learn how to improve your holidays and feel healthy, happy, and less stressed.

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