Do you want to avoid the painful symptoms of PMS?

Are you in search of some natural remedies that can help to overcome the troubles caused by a hormonal imbalance?

Don’t worry I’ve got you covered.

I know how damaging the hormonal imbalance can be. I’ve been through it with pregnancy, PMS, peri-menopause, and then menopause itself. There is no argument from me that it can impact normal body functioning and can also cause several undesirable symptoms.

For much of my life, I had no clue about natural remedies or ways to find relief through simple things like food choices, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. I’d like to help you avoid the same pitfalls I found myself in. There are many holistic ways to avoid ‘hormone woes’ that come with different phases of a woman’s life.

If you’d like to reduce the severity of symptoms and attain or just maintain a balanced hormonal state, you want to find ways to boost the health of your endocrine system.

Here are some practical and helpful tips to attain hormonal balance naturally. With these simple lifestyle adjustments, you’ll find you’ll be feeling much better and the benefits will only increase over time. Your body will be thanking you.

Say No to Sugar and Wine

Endocrine disruptors add to the stress load in your body and contribute to inflammation by feeding the bacteria that is in your gut and 2 of the biggest culprits are wine and sugar. Other adverse effects of sugar include boosted growth of candida and adverse impact on digestion. The excessive intake of wine can disturb the level of insulin and blood sugar along with decreasing the functional efficiency of the detox system.

Even if you love sugar and wine, it’s essential to eliminate them from your diet for a time to bring hormones into balance.

Enjoy Adequate Sleep

Sleep contributes to our overall state of well-being in many ways and good quality sleep every night is essential to maintaining sound health overall and achieving hormonal balance.

Stress robs us of our health and well-being physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Sleep, along with exercise, are the best ways to reduce stress. Good quality, sound sleep every night provides your body with the rest it needs and deserves, having a positive impact on your overall health.

When we don’t get enough sleep, our bodies produce more cortisol which leads to fatigue, increased sugar cravings, and even weight gain. 

If you suffer from inadequate sleep or poor quality sleep, try to introduce a healthy sleep routine to your daily practice. Make it a routine to go to bed at a reasonable time each night 6-8 hours prior to when you need to wake up. Put together a ‘Sleepy Time’ routine: Avoid video game playing, flashing lights, exercising before bedtime. Dim the lights. Journal to relieve yourself of the stress of the day. Read to bring peace to your mind so you can slip quietly dreamland.

If you are frustrated by inadequate and poor quality sleep, check out my blog for even more ideas about how to get better sleep.

Enjoy A Healthy Diet – Eliminate All Junk

By choosing to nourish your body only with wholesome, healthy foods every day you’ll enjoy better health overall and have a positive effect on your endocrine system leading to greater hormonal balance.

Eat more plant-based food, avoid white flour, and eliminate all processed foods and junk including soda and sugar. Add some omega-3 sources in your diet a few times a week and increase your vegetable intake to boost your liver health.

Use Herbs

I love herbs and spices. They are many benefits to using them aside from enhancing the flavor of your food. Some herbs can even balance our hormones naturally.

Vitex can help with regulating your monthly periods and Evening Primrose can relieve PMS symptoms. Holy Basil and Ashwagandha are known as powerful adrenal tonics and they can be used as holistic sleep aids.

Manage Stress Levels

Last but not least, taking part in some stress-reducing activity can be amazingly helpful.

No matter how busy your life is, it’s important to spare some time for yourself. Make self-care a priority by taking care of your body’s needs every day. Schedule time in your day for fresh air, exercise, and stress-relieving activity such as regular exercise, reading, journaling, meditating, practicing yoga, or chi gong. Just a simple morning walk before the day begins or one in the evening has multiple health benefits.

The more you try to attain emotional well-being, the better your hormonal health will be.

Check out my blog for 5 Relaxation Techniques to Reduce Stress.

Achieving hormonal balance within our bodies doesn’t have to feel like climbing Mount Everest. You’ll find additional resources and multiple entries in my blog roll to help you along your path to improved and holistic health overall. To improve our overall health of mind-body-soul every day is an ongoing journey, one I’m happy to share with you. Onward together now.

Midlife throwing you for a loop and making you feel like you’re walking the sanity line? Hormones got you feeling a little ‘out of whack’? You’re not alone and you certainly don’t have to go it alone. Let’s find some solutions together.

Schedule your free “Balance Your Hormones-Balance Your Life’ clarity call with me and let’s chat about what you’re experiencing and how we can make it better. 

Schedule your free call >>HERE.


Vitality Salad

Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 1 person


  • 1 cup spinach
  • 4 ozs goat cheese
  • 1/4 cup cashews
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries or currants
  • 1/4 cup beets cook (pre-packaged or freshly boiled)
  • 1/2 avocado chopped
  • 1 cucumber chopped
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Sea or Himalayan salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste


  • Add the salad ingredients to a large bowl. Top with balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper to taste. Mix well before serving immediately.


OMNIVORE OPTION: Add nitrate-free chicken slices.