Have you ever struggled with your weight?

The sad truth is:  the majority of Americans have. 

As you know, I struggled for years with my weight and tried to find the solution through fad diets and yo-yo dieting. That certainly got me nowhere (other than on the road to more weight gain and an unhappier life!).

This is a part of the reality we live in every day. And you know what? It has resulted in the diet and weight loss industry booming into multiple BILLION dollar businesses. (I know, crazy, right?)

But studies and statistics have shown that most people who go on a diet (95%, to be exact), not only gain back the weight they lost within a year but gain back MORE. Ouch! (Yes, just like it happened in my own life at one time.)

I don’t want you to be a part of that statistic. 

As a health coach, I know that weight loss isn’t just about the food on our plate or the hours we log at the gym. It’s about creating a well-rounded life that is feeding and nourishing us in a number of ways. My job, my PASSION, is helping you create that kind of holistic life, where you are addressing all the various influences that are affecting your health and weight.

If you’re sick of the dieting rollercoaster…
If you’re sick of meal plans that don’t work…
If you’re fed up with the cardboard low-cal frozen dinners…

I’ve got a solution for you.

I’m talking long-term, sustainable weight loss.

This is not something you will find in a book or on the back of a Lean Cuisine box. This is a revolutionary way of living and eating that will change your life and rock your world.

Are you ready for it?

The Energize ~ Release ~ Transform is an 8-week group program that will help you lose weight, feel great, have a surplus of energy – and you will look amazing. 

You will learn how to:

●    Eat the foods that are right for you and your unique body
●    Plan meals, even if you are busy and have no time
●    Put yourself first (and not feel guilty about it. Whoa!)
●    Find the exercise that fits your unique body and lifestyle
●    Take the exact steps, week by week, that will help you achieve long-lasting results
●    Use your assignments over the 8-week period that will empower you to make lifelong changes

And so much more!

If you’re ready to ditch the diet and finally lose weight (FOR GOOD!), join me for this life-changing program. 

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to transform your life with all the accountability, support and encouragement you need.

We start on June 24th and I can’t wait to see you there. Click the picture below to learn more and sign up.

Here’s to your transformation!