I was talking to a friend this week about migraines and how people react to different triggers and different solutions.

For many years, my go-to was definitely pain medication. I wanted instant pain relief. Of course, no pain medication works that quickly, but don’t you think that the majority of the time that is what we are going for? We hurt so badly that what we want is a quick-fix. I know that was definitely my mindset about migraine relief. 

People who have never had a migraine can never truly appreciate the pain we are in or all that comes along with a migraine. It is easy for others to tell us to do certain things – or even “suck it up, it’s just a headache.” Have you heard that one or felt that is what people are thinking?

For many of the years I had migraines so chronically, I felt a little ostracized. Even some people in my family who had never suffered with migraines never quite “got it.” Know what I mean?

When I started on my own journey to find relief in my “migraine life,” what I found was that by incorporating natural and holistic methods, while they didn’t necessarily take away all the pain, incorporating them consistently into my routine has dramatically reduced the number of migraines I have and has definitely reduced the intensity of the pain.

I’m not going to sugar-coat it. Trying to find natural relief for migraines can sometimes be hard work. But I have to tell you, it is also totally worth it when you see the results of fewer migraine days (for me reduced from 25-30 per month down to 2-3 per month) and less intensity when you get a migraine.

With that said, this week, I want to give you some quick relief tips you can try, which are quick ways to find some relief as your migraines occur. They might not “cure” you completely, but let’s face it, when you’re in the throes of a migraine, any modicum of relief is an absolute Godsend.

1.   Drink Water. It sounds simple and I know I mention it often, but many headaches and/or migraines are caused by dehydration. So staying hydrated is essential for a migraine sufferer on a daily basis.

2.  Pressure Points.  Press the webbed area between your thumb and pointer finger. Lightly massage the spot for about one minute before switching to the other hand. This pressure point can really bring relief.

3.   Stretch.  Headaches and/or migraines can also be caused by muscle tension. Simple neck stretches like this one could help relieve some of the tension. 

4.  Scalp Massage.  Try giving yourself a scalp massage. Research has shown that if you massage the greater occipital nerve —  at the back of your head at the base of your skull — it can relieve the pain.

5. Eat Watermelon.  Sounds crazy, right? But if your headache or migraine is caused by dehydration, eating water-rich foods like watermelon could actually relieve your pain by re-hydrating your body.

6. Peppermint Oil.  Massage peppermint oil onto your temples, the back of your jaw and your forehead. Peppermint oil has been shown to promote blood flow, which might get things moving in your head. Definitely a simple thing to try.

7.  Deep Breathing.  I’m sure you are familiar with this one….When you feel pain, your body becomes stressed. Deep breaths will help you relax and as a result, could ease some of the tension.

8. Ginger Tea.  Drink a cup of ginger tea. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that could alleviate some pain plus ginger has great benefits if you are feeling nauseated during your migraine attack.

9. Apply Ice. The artery that supplies blood to the lining of the brain is located behind the thin bone at the temple. When you’re in the throes of a migraine, the lining becomes inflamed, so lowering the temperature of the blood passing through that area could relieve some of the throbbing. Also, it sometimes helps to apply ice to the neck area to bring down the swelling of the blood vessels leading to the head.

10. Meditate. Quieting the mind and focusing your attention away from the pain you’re experiencing can be a great way of distracting yourself from your migraine. Of course, when you have a migraine, it can be hard to think, but you can most certainly breathe in, breathe out…breathe in, breathe out. Also try imagining yourself in your “happy, peaceful place” to give yourself a respite from the pain. For some that could be sitting on a beach in an exotic place, or breathing in the fresh mountain air. Either way, it will most certainly help you de-stress.

These are some of the top 10 things I have tried to get some relief from my migraine pain. I have found them to be useful and workable solutions. Comment below if you do any of these or if you have tried them after reading this.

I am here to help you on your migraine journey, so feel free to ask any questions you have.

Here’s to a healthier migraine journey,

P.S. I am opening up my 4 Week Migraine Solutions Academy again. I have had great success with my beta testers and now would like to open up the Migraine Solutions Program to more of you. If you are on the fence about investing in this, let me assure you that this is a low-priced program that delivers lots of value. You will find yourself with fewer migraines and less intensity if you continually add these simple solutions to your lifestyle. With this low price, what do you truly have to lose?

RECIPE:  GINGER TEA (A must for nausea and inflammation relief for migraines)


•    1 cup peeled, finely chopped ginger
•    2 cups purified water
•    raw honey (optional)
•    sparkling water
•    1 lemon, juiced* (optional)


Boil 2 cups of water, and add the ginger. Reduce the heat to medium low, and let the mixture simmer for 5 minutes.

Take it off the heat and strain.