There is so much information out about migraines that sometimes it can be a little overwhelming. Sometimes we even find ourselves on information overload and begin to wonder what is a fact and what is a myth. Here is a a fun diagram to show a few of the migraine myths and facts that are out there.

Myth Fact
Stop Eating Chocolate and your migraines will stop Chocolate if often thought of as a trigger but it could also be related to the content-specific foods or drinks & not an actual migraine trigger
The length of a migraine is usually an hour or less While there’s no set time for the duration of a migraine, it is said to be anywhere from 4 to 72 hours
People should be able to carry on as normal with a migraine Everyone is an individual and effects of migraines are different from person to person. They can have an impact on your work, social life, etc.
Everyone has a specific migraine trigger Not everyone is able to identify their migraine trigger. For many it’s a combination of several things, and triggers can also change over time


In addition to these few things noted above, there are a few other myths:

  1. Only women have migraines. This is a myth. Both men and women can get migraines. 18% of women and 6% of men get migraines, so although the percentage is a little higher for women, men do, in fact get migraines.
  2. Only adults suffer from migraines. Another myth! Children and teenagers also can get migraines. However, sometimes with children their symptoms tend to differ to those of an adult. For example, many children actually have stomach migraines which can be just as debilitating, but also can be much harder to diagnose.
  3. All migraines are the same. If you personally suffer from migraines then you know this is definitely a myth. There are several different types of migraines. Here are just a few of the types to consider but this is by no means a comprehensive list:
  • Migraine with aura
  • Hemiplegic
  • Basilar
  • Ocular migraines

These are specific types of migraines which do not necessarily come with a headache.

These are just some “fun” facts about migraines. From reading this, you can tell that migraines vary and there is no “one size fits all” by any means. I would love you to hop on a free call with me so that we can discuss your migraines and have a strategy session on how you can even add some natural and holistic remedies into your treatment to help you become more pain free.


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