How are you doing with incorporating healthy habits into your daily lifestyle? Sometimes it can be difficult, but once you get into a routine – ah, that’s when the changes start to happen in your well-being.

This month in our private Facebook group, The Energized Healthy Women’s Club, we’ll be tackling the topic of healthy lifestyle habits.

It’s never too late to establish new healthy habits. No matter where you are on your health journey, there’s always room for improvement. To improve your life, health, and overall balance, try creating one new, healthy habit for each area of your life.

There are some very simple things you can add into your daily routine that’ll make a big difference. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself feeling better, healthier, and more energized. Read on to see how it’s done.

Where are You Falling Behind?

Before creating your first new habit, think of where in your life you’re falling behind. Consider what area of your life you’d like to focus on improving first.
And don’t despair it…you’re not alone.

Most of us have at least one, often 2 or 3 areas of our lives we’d like to improve – whether it’s finances, relationships, your career or business, your overall health or maybe you’d just like to carve out more time for yourself to do the things you love to do.

This might mean you work hard but neglect your health. Or you eat very healthily, but you have trouble saving money. Maybe you don’t get enough sleep because you are always distracted at night.

To figure out what area of YOUR life needs attention first, ask:

What do You Complain About the Most?

Consider what you complained to someone (or even to yourself) about most recently.

  • What isn’t going your way, or what isn’t working in your life?
  • Do you complain that you’re always late for work?
  • Are your bills are always overdue so you have to pay late fees?
  • Does that little voice in your head give you hell because your clothes are too snug and don’t look right anymore?
  • Are you frustrated because you never have enough time to get everything done?

Your biggest, most common complaint is a clear indicator of exactly where your first new healthy habit needs to be created to solve your most pressing challenge.

Choosing Your New Habit

Ambition has seized you and you’ve compiled a whole long laundry list of new habits to form in your life. As inspired as you are, pick just one to begin with.

Even if you have 5 small habits, all for the same end result, you’ll want to start with just one of them before moving on to the next. In fact, begin with the most-simple step first. Incorporate that into your daily routine and then move on to the next step.

How do you know it is time to develop a new habit?

You’ll be ready to move onto establishing the next habit once the last one you’ve created is something you don’t even think about anymore.

Healthy Habits You Can Start Today

Do you feel like your physical or emotional health is falling behind these days?

Did you create some big health-related goals at the beginning of the year, but now, half-way through the year, you’re nowhere near the half-way point to the goal?
If so, it’s time to form some new healthy habits.

Your habits should always be established before your goal-setting process begins because it’s your habits that will help you achieve those lofty big goals.

Here are some healthy habits you can start today that’ll make a big difference in your overall health and wellness.

Wake Up Early to Exercise

If you’re having trouble fitting your daily workout into your busy schedule, try making it the first priority of the day. Get it over with and off your list – how relieving will THAT be?

Yes, waking up earlier to accommodate a daily workout will be an adjustment, but you’ll appreciate it for the rest of the day when that little niggling voice isn’t nattering in your ear All Day Long.

Not only will getting your workout done first thing boost your energy so you can take on the day, but you’ll also feel happier, satisfied with yourself that you did it AND you’ve just increased your chances for success.

We all know how tired and unmotivated we are after a tough day at work. It’s less likely to happen later on in the day when all you’re motivated for is a spot on the couch to rest and recover.

Get More Fresh Air

Make it your goal to get more fresh air and sunshine each day.

So simple, right?

This might mean walking your dog instead of just letting them out in the backyard, or enjoying your lunch outside in the sunshine instead of eating at your desk at work.

Play with your kids outside and schedule a hike with your partner on the weekends.

Eat Your Meals Mindfully

Are you having trouble sticking to a healthier diet?

IF so, rather than changing WHAT you eat, start with shifting HOW you eat.

Become more mindful of your relationship with food. Pay attention to how it tastes, how you feel while you’re eating. Eliminate the distractions of your phone and the TV. Actually put your utensils down between bites and converse with your mealtime companions.

Don’t eat on the run, standing up, in your car, or while you’re trying to balance your accounts or pay your bills.

Sit at a table or desk and just focus on each wonderful bite and how it’s making you feel. Chew thoroughly and stop eating when you’re satisfied (rather than when the plate is empty). Listen to the signals your body is giving you.

Get Enough Sleep

This is a habit many people struggle with because many don’t recognize the value of regenerative, restful deep sleep.

Sleep is much more than just not feeling tired the next day.

Sleep is essential for your overall good health and wellbeing. Getting enough sleep reduces stress, helps you feel energized, and allows you to focus and maintain your concentration. It also helps you manage your weight and keeps your physical and cardiovascular health well maintained.

The benefits of getting enough rest are many, so if you’re looking for a good place to start in improving your life with a helpful new healthy habit, establishing a better sleep routine is a great first step.

I wish you sweet dreams and holistic health and wellness.

To help you get into a daily routine, check out the free gift I have for you to help you on your journey. Grab yours >HERE.


Serves 1
Course Lunch
Cuisine American


  • 4 tablespoons hummus
  • 1 gluten-free pita pocket
  • 2 ounces crumbled feta cheese
  • 1 small tomato sliced
  • 4 Kalamata olives sliced


Omnivore Option: 5 nitrate-free deli turkey slices
Keyword gluten free, lunch