In my ladies private Facebook group, we have been talking a lot about energy. Even my last week’s blog was on this topic. So many of us go through our week tired from the minute we get up to the time we go to bed. We fall into bed exhausted, but still not feeling as if we can really leave ourselves enough time to have a good night’s rest. We seem to be caught in some type of hamster wheel and we just don’t seem to be able to stop.
Oh my gosh! The “old me” can so relate to that. I definitely was on that never-ending hamster wheel and just the mere thought of it is exhausting! But the “new me” is so much more energetic than I used to be. And the good news is, it doesn’t have to take a lot more time in your day to make a few tweaks so that you can have “sustainable energy” and not the “fake energy” we usually live on – like a boost of caffeine, or an espresso shot, or sugar-laden candy – so that we can make it through the day.
I would love to share a few things you can do to instantly improve your energy so you can get off that hamster wheel and feel better.
Boosting your energy
If the body is an engine, then food is its fuel. Food gives the body the energy it needs to function. If we don’t make sure the fuel we pump through our system is the right quality and quantity, we’re going to run ourselves right onto the scrap heap. The foods we eat affect our weight, mood, energy level, brain function, sex drive, and sleeping patterns.
– Kris Carr, Hungry for Change
When we lack energy, we lack motivation – the motivation to exercise and the motivation to focus on healthier habits. As you’ve probably experienced, everything seems more difficult when you feel tired and worn out.
Consistency is key.
How do you start your day? Do you roll out of bed and head to the kitchen first thing in the morning to start the coffee brewing? Many people have to start their day with a boost of caffeine to get going. When you start with your morning coffee for that boost of energy, what happens later? You’re less likely to eat a quality breakfast that gives you long-term fuel and you are more likely to feel tired by late morning or early afternoon. Believe me, I have been stuck in that cycle and know how it feels. But what happens then? Well, you need another quick energy boost. This is often chosen in the form of more caffeine or processed or sugar-filled foods. Sometimes with both – the coffee and the sugar-filled treat.
If this is you, let’s take a quick look at what coffee really does for you. When you drink caffeine, you’re running on borrowed energy – energy you don’t ever get to pay back, meaning it isn’t stored energy you can draw on when you need it later. Many of us are doing this every day. We’re always on the go, go, go and with pressure to get more done in a seemingly shorter amount of time. When we can’t seem to get enough done or start to fade later in the day, we have more caffeine.
Let me ask you…is your caffeine routine in the morning more out of habit or do you feel like you NEED the boost to get you going? If you feel like you need the boost, what can you do to improve your energy naturally and eventually not need to rely on the caffeine fix?
Some other morning beverage options include:
- transition to decaf coffee or dive into the world of teas (green tea is a great option). There are so many incredible flavors of teas to choose from and many offer the added benefit of containing antioxidants.
- opt for a delicious green smoothie to get a nice big dose of vitamins and minerals (plus fiber and phytonutrients too) that should give you a natural energy boost.
Let’s look at some other ideas to boost your energy in the meantime.
Stay hydrated
Did you know that the average human body is estimated to be about 60-70 percent water? Adults may have a decrease to 57-60% as they age, whereas in babies the percentage may be as high as 75%. Since we continuously lose water through urination, our skin through perspiration or sweat, and even through the process of breathing, it is critical for us to replace this important essential nutrient regularly each day.
Here are some ways to hydrate throughout the day:
- Start your day first thing in the morning with a large glass of fresh water to rehydrate your body and brain.
- Better yet, add some lemon to your water for an extra boost of energy and cleansing (even try drinking it warm).
- Continue to drink water regularly throughout the day.
- If you don’t routinely drink water, try setting an alarm on your phone to remind you to drink up.
- Drinking half of your body weight in water per day is ideal. If you haven’t been drinking much water, you can start gradually and aim for half that amount to start with, and increase as you can.
If you just don’t like water, consider adding some real fruit to your water. Check on my blog on infused water >>here<< to get some ideas. Slices of limes, lemons, and grapefruit are all amazing additions. The easiest way for me to remember to drink more water is to keep a water bottle by my side throughout the day.
There’s a great app called “Water Your Body”. It’s an easy to use and fun way to track your personally recommended amount of water. After answering a few personal questions, like your current weight and activity level, the app calculates the water you need.
Remember, if you aren’t drinking enough water, you reduce brain function. You can also expect to see thinner skin and more fine lines and wrinkles. (Daniel G. Amen, M.D. author, Change Your Brain, Change Your Body.)
Don’t skip meals.
I can’t emphasize this enough. If there was ONE thing you could do that would have a dramatic impact on your energy level, this would be it (besides getting enough sleep). Keep your body fueled with healthy, whole foods.
Eating breakfast also does wonders for your weight. In fact, if you’re trying to lose weight, eating breakfast is the way to do it. Why? It prevents you from snacking on high-calorie snacks or overeating later in the day. Not only are breakfast eaters leaner than those who opt to skip this meal, but generally they eat fewer total calories per day.”
Have a balanced lunch. This means including protein, carbs and fat, As often as possible, make your lunch your main meal of the day.
When you get into this practice you’ll find you often are full enough until the dinner hour.
Have a balanced dinner. On days where you have your largest meal for lunch, you can probably enjoy a lighter dinner.
Tip: Plan out your meals ahead of time for the week so you eat out less often (this saves money AND calories).
Reminder: Eating carbs, fat, and protein at each meal increases the feeling of satiety and helps you stay energized longer. Avoid sugary snacks and treats as much as possible. Sugar just puts us on the energy roller coaster and we usually end up feeling even more tired than when we started, which completely zaps our energy.
What types of food increase energy?
Whenever possible, focus on the highest quality foods you. That means foods that are “real” and not manufactured.
- Whole foods: grains, vegetables, and beans. These are foods that have not been processed, so they contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other naturally occurring nutrients that our bodies recognize and can absorb and utilize.
- Quality animal protein sources. Eat organic, grass-fed, wild and free-range when possible.
- Superfoods. These have very high levels of nutrients. Leafy greens as well as many fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are considered superfoods.
- Sea plants, such as green algae and seaweed, are powerful sources of nutrition and energy. (You can also get these in powder form to add to smoothies).
Once you start eating more whole foods and less processed foods, you will notice a difference in how you feel and soon the processed food choices just won’t even sound good to you anymore. You’ll notice a difference in your energy and your digestion. A lot of people notice that their sleep improves too.
BONUS: This all helps with weight loss!
Of course, there are many more things you can do to increase your energy natural (exercise being one key component, not to mention sleep). Pay attention to how you feel after you eat. What do you notice? One of the best ways to do this is to keep a food journal for a while. When you are aware of what gives you energy and what drains you of energy, then you will know which foods are best suited to your body. So, answer this question for me…..
Can you tell which foods make you feel better and which ones you may want to avoid?
________made me feel better
________did not make me feel so good.
If you want some more ideas on what to eat to be energized and even lose some weight, download my free guide >>HERE<<.
1-cup fresh spinach
1-cup almond milk
1-cup blueberries
1 mango
1-tbsp chia seeds
1. Blend liquid + green together until smooth.
2. Add your remaining ingredients and blend together with the first mixture.