Have you ever thought about how you label yourself as a person with migraines? I know one of the ways I have referred to myself when it comes to migraines is a “migraine sufferer.”  How do you label yourself? I read somewhere that when you refer to yourself as a “sufferer” it implies that your pain will never end. Well, let’s face it, that is often how we do feel, right? There are those days when we “just feel like crap.” Unfortunately for some of us, there are more days like that than the good ones.

So is there actually something we can do for that never-ending pain from chronic migraines? 

Here are just a few different types of things you can try when it come to trying to win the battle when chronic migraines.

Let’s talk “mindset!”


Many times, we just have to make an adjustment with the self-talk and with our attitude. I don’t say that lightly because I most certainly know and understand how difficult that is from my own experience. Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves and our whole self-talk becomes negative. – which is hardly surprisingly when you often live in constant pain.  

Pain expert Dr. Peter Abaci says:  “Chronic pain has the power to manipulate the lenses that we look through when we visualize our own selves.”  It’s empowering to remind yourself that you’re in charge, even when you can’t stop the pain.   

Here are a couple of things for you to try so that you can conquer that whole emotional, self-thought and self-talk (more often referred to as “mindset”) method so that you can have more breakthroughs.

1.  Speak positively.  Although it sounds child-like or perhaps cliche, try some self-affirmations. For example, speaking out loud, say something like “Migraines – you are not the boss of me.”  And say it like you mean it.

2.  Celebrate small victories.  Even though the pain hasn’t gone away for 4 or 5 days, you have to give yourself credit for 5 days of healthy choices and small snipets of meaningful progress. Here are some ways you can pat yourself on the back and celebrate:

  • Despite how you felt today, you tried some yoga anyway. That’s awesome. Pat yourself on the back.
  • So you tracked your hydration intake today.  Fantastic!  
  • Your migraine went from an 8 to a 6?  Woo hoo!
  • Although you felt crappy, you made sure you didn’t miss any meals today and you got lots of rest. Way to go!
  • Despite how you felt, you still went for a 15 minute walk. Way to go; that is a real breakthrough!

3.  Laugh out loud. Assuming you can do this without hurting your head, and if you can stand the light of the TV screen, why not watch a sitcom of funny movie. Laugh so hard it doesn’t hurt anymore. (Call it distraction therapy and a stress-reliever.)

4.  Pray.  “Ask, and it shall be given to you.” God cares about your pain. Ask God for comfort and clarity when you’re at the end of your rope and don’t think you can take any more. If you want more divine inspiration, but you are just not in a position to read, try a free app and listen to something like Psalms. There are free Bible apps for your phone….And a lot of people find this especially comforting.

5.  Try gratitude.  Many times when we focus on the things we are grateful for, despite our pain, we begin to feel better. Focusing on the good things make the bad seem a “little less bad.” We all have so much to be grateful for. Not only think about what you are grateful for, but try writing those things down in a journal. Next time you are feeling “like crap” reflect on those things that are good in your life.

These are just 5 ideas that have helped me through the most painful days. You can keep migraines from winning because you’re a victor! Remember, positive thinking is the beginning of positive progress. Just trying these few simple actions can help you feel better and will sustain you on days when you do feel like crap.

Here’s to many migraine-free days in your life!


P.S. Don’t forget my 4 Week Migraine Solutions Academy is open. I have had great success with this on-line class for many of my clients. If you are on the fence about investing in this, let me assure you that this is a low-priced program that delivers lots of value. You will find yourself with fewer migraines and less intensity if you continually add these simple solutions to your lifestyle. With this low price, what do you truly have to lose? Click the picture below.