Do you faithfully begin your day with a cup of coffee? For many years, that was the only way I could get together some energy to start off my morning. Not only did I have to drink it to get going, but I was such a heavy coffee drinker that I could drink it right up to bedtime and it did not affect my sleep at all. It was what kept me going all day long.

If this is you, you are not alone. Statistics say over two billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide each day, so chances are, you’re a coffee drinker.  Sometimes it feels like the only way to add some pep in your step is to fill up your mug with some fresh coffee, doesn’t it? 

Don’t get me wrong, a cup of coffee isn’t a bad thing. In fact, some research does tell us that a minimal amount of coffee can have some health benefits. The bad thing though — and one of the things I learned the hard way, is that although that coffee gives us a boost, it’s just that — a boost. It is temporary and before long, we crash after that “fake energy” has lost its usefulness.

Today I want to share an arsenal of ways to boost your energy without caffeine; ways that are very beneficial, so you don’t have to rely on that cup of coffee to keep you going! 

1. See the sunshine

Spring is just about here, so this is timely for us. Pop open your curtains and let the sunshine light up your mood. This is especially helpful if you have a seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and can help to reset your biological clock. I remember when I still lived in England that this was a very real thing. In the winter, it could be dark by 3 p.m. and winter was long and cold. I was always so happy when spring finally arrived.

Try letting the sunshine in while you get ready for work, and you’ll find you have a much sunnier disposition.

2. Try rosemary

Rosemary essential oil has been shown to help boost brain function.  On top of that, it smells delightful. Diffuse rosemary frequently and allow the aroma to infuse your home to feel more positive and alert.

3. Have a protein-rich beginning 

Breakfast that is rich in protein is going to give you that jumpstart you need. Protein controls your blood glucose levels so get those on an even keel before you even head out the door.

4. Turn up the music

Maybe there is something to singing in the shower while you get ready. It helps liven you up and boost your spirits all in one!  Make a playlist on your phone of your favorite songs that amp you up, and listen to it during your morning routine.

5. Try the Breath of Fire

In the practice of kundalini yoga, there’s a technique called Breath of Fire. It involves taking short, fast breaths in through your nose while contracting your diaphragm. It gets your heart rate up and gets the blood flowing.

6. Drink some water

Especially in the morning, water is excellent for cleansing away toxins and waking up our organs. More water means less dehydration, something that can sap your energy fast.  For even more of a boost, add lemon to your water for more flavor and a dash of vitamin C. 

7. Check in with your eating habits

What you eat has a significant impact on your energy.  If you tend to eat large meals that take a lot of effort to digest, you can feel weighed down and sluggish afterward. Lighten things up by eating a lighter lunch and breaking your meals up throughout the day to keep you feeling sustained.

The next time you feel like your energy is tapering off, try one of these caffeine-free ways to stimulate your mind and body and get that energy flowing!  Which one are you going to try next time you need a perk up?

What’s your typical way of boosting your energy? Hit reply and let me know.

If this all described you to a “t” and you find yourself slumped over your desk by the middle of the afternoon, or your eyelids get really heavy and you are fighting to stay awake way before it’s time to sleep, join me for my upcoming Webinar to learn some epic solutions to go from slumped to pumped naturally! It’s coming March 21st and March 23rd, so be sure to click the picture below to sign up now. 



[Energizing Smoothie Recipe]

1-cup fresh spinach
1-cup almond milk
1-cup blueberries
1 mango
1-tbsp chia seeds

1. Blend liquid + green together until smooth.
2. Add your remaining ingredients and blend together with first mixture.