Behold, the season of all the good food is upon us.

It’s especially so for those of us here in the U.S. Thanksgiving and the shopping frenzy of Black Friday, unofficially kicking off the dash to Christmas Holidays and then ringing in the New Year.

And of course, All That Food!

For so many of us striving to stay on track with our health goals, the biggest holiday hurdle is the food.

I totally get it. For many years, our holidays were entirely about food, and not just the delicious turkey with all the fixings. My weakness was the desserts. All restraints were off and I’d eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. It was the HOLIDAYS, goshdarnit!

In the long-run, this ‘free-for-all” thinking was my downfall with my health and overall well-being.

I have come a long way since then, but even with all my knowledge, I still indulge a little around the holidays but I’ve come up with a plan that helps me through it all without derailing my health.

This season, decide to take a different approach to celebrating so you don’t end up feeling like you’ve undone all your hard work throughout the year in these last few weeks. With a plan and a few simple strategies, you’ll start the New Year without having to get your health in order again – a vicious cycle many of us repeat.

So let’s dig in (so to speak). Here are my best tips and healthy hacks to help you stay on track with your goals, feel more in control through the holiday season, and still enjoy all those yummy holiday dishes:

Woman walking on trail.

1. Walk it Off

Instead of just lounging all day waiting for the big meal to arrive on the table, go for a walk.  My favorite way to start Thanksgiving Day is with a morning walk.  It helps to set the tone for the day, get my thoughts in order and it feels great to start the day with some fresh air. 

Why not involve your relatives? Make walking together a new family tradition by taking a long stroll after the big meal.  Not only is it relaxing and good quality time, but it will also help you digest and avoid the Holiday Meal ‘Food Coma.’

2. Eat Your Breakfast

You may think you’re heading things off at the pass by not eating breakfast and ‘saving room’ for all that feasting later.  Skipping your meals only leaves you ravenous by the time you get to that big festive meal. 

What happens next?   You’ll overeat!

Rather than stuffing yourself just like that turkey at dinner, enjoy a healthy breakfast choice.  Follow that up with a hearty salad for lunch (depending on what time you eat, of course). These measures keep your blood sugar balanced so you’re not a hungry monster at the buffet, and you’ll have made great choices all day to support your health.

3. Lookout for the Pitfalls of Gravy


Gravy is one of the things we look forward to at holiday events – a little extra flavor treat we don’t typically have throughout the year.  A large ladle can rack up an extra 800 calories – just for the gravy!  Instead, use a tablespoon and drizzle your gravy onto your plate.  You’ll still get to enjoy everything else and taste that delicious gravy too – without the extra helping of guilt

4. Bring a Healthy Side

If you’ve been invited to a Thanksgiving dinner or some other social event around the holidays, make your side dish something healthy. With plenty of tasty options, you’ll be able to find a crowd-pleaser: a salad with homemade dressing, baked sweet potatoes with cinnamon sprinkles, a savory baked veggie dish. These are incredibly simple, satisfying, and tasty.

If you love spending time in the kitchen, your options are endless. Find healthy Thanksgiving side items on Pinterest and whip up something new and fancy!

5. Perfect your Portions

Perfect Your Portions

When filling up your plate, load it up with veggies first (aim for ½ your plate) and then add the rest. When you make the majority of your plate veggies, you’ll feel fuller without feeling overstuffed. Plus, that gives you room to enjoy that dessert you’ve been eyeing (if you’re anything like me! )

6. Savor the Desserts

Savor Desserts

When we treat the holiday meals as a free license to eat everything on the dessert table, our healthy lifestyle efforts are thrown to the wind. So, be prepared with your plan. There’s no need to skip your grandma’s award winning pumpkin pie.

Avoid becoming uncomfortably full with the main meal so you have room to enjoy a small piece. If you see lots you want to try, take bite-sized samples of each rather than entire slices. Sit and truly savor them.

Absolutely enjoy those holiday desserts you see just a few days each year as Thanksgiving and all the upcoming holiday meals should be fully enjoyed. Having a few boundaries to follow will help you stay committed to your healthy lifestyle goals without sacrificing any enjoyment.

Here’s the biggest tip:

Don’t Overdo It. Avoid the starving and stuffed extremes and you’ll win the health game this holiday season.

Now, it’s your turn:

What’s your favorite holiday tradition? Mine is actually the pecan pies that my mother-in-law used to make, which my grandson has now taken it upon himself to make. He has made that recipe even better, and our whole family loves his pies.

Hit reply and let me know your favorite Thanksgiving or holiday tradition. I love reading what others hold near and dear to their hearts this holiday!

If you’d like some help setting up your Health Strategy to Win the Holidays (and stay on track for your health goals, without overindulging and losing control), then I’d love to chat. Connect with me to schedule your FREE “Healthy-For-The-Holidays” Strategy Chat. This is a Zero Obligation call and by the end of it, you’ll have some solutions tailored just for you to help you glide through the holidays guilt, stress, and anxiety-free. How awesome is would that be?