So, what are the “10 Top Vegetables for a Healthy Diet?”

If you are making a huge effort to lose weight, then I would suggest you definitely include vegetables in your diet. As well as helping you lose weight, vegetables play a huge role in good health. Also, if you want to get your body into shape or tone it up to make it look better, you definitely want to make sure you make vegetables a part of your daily diet.

Research also tends to suggest that eating nearly eight servings of vegetables every day increases the immunity power in your body to ward off any harmful diseases such as heart problems, diabetes and cancer.

Here’s a list of 10 top vegetables for a healthy diet:

  • Tomatoes: Often, tomatoes are referred to as fruits but are mainly used as vegetables. They are considered to be good for fighting against cancer due to the presence of lycopene. Tomatoes are also Vitamins A and K and help to keep blood pressure levels healthy.
  • Onions: If you add onions to your daily diet, your immunity goes up a notch or two. They also have peptide which helps the calcium level in your body. Onions also contain Vitamin C and folate which are good for gastrointestinal health.
  • Broccoli: Broccoli is one of the “super foods” when it comes to vegetables. It effectively fights against diseases and is a storehouse of antioxidants — especially effective for fighting any cancers affecting stomach, rectal and lungs. Also Broccoli is said to be full of folate, beta-carotene and Vitamin C which combined increase the immunity power in the body to help fight against cold and flu.
  • Brussels Sprouts: Although these are not as popular in the US as they are in Europe, interestingly, they happen to be one of the best foods exclusively for pregnant women due to the rich source of B-vitamin and folic acid which prevents any problem in uteral tube. In addition to that, they have a rich content of Vitamins C and K, fiber, potassium and omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Asparagus: Asparagus is another wonderful vegetable — also beneficial for pregnant women — and is rich in fiber (which helps with weight loss) as well as Vitamin B6 and folate that is said to enhance heart health. Asparagus is also lower in sodium, which makes it a great choice for smoother working of the large intestine.
  • Carrots: Carrots are one of the most nutritious foods and has additional benefits for the hair, skin and eyes. They are a great sources of pro-vitamins and carotenes. For a long time, it has been said that carrots have a positive effect on vision as well as being high in Vitamin C, which is said to keep sugar levels in check, as well as being extremely beneficial for heart.
  • Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are rich sources of Vitamin A, C and Manganese, and are filled with qualities which enhance the health of the digestive system. They are also a great source of energy due to the increased presence of iron and fiber. These are a great alternative to regular white potatoes when you are dieting.
  • Bell Peppers:  Regardless of which colored peppers you decide to use, bell peppers have properties which are healthy for the heart — like lycopene and folic acid. They also lessen the risk of cancer.
  • Eggplants: Nasunin, which is a unique antioxidant present in eggplants, helps protect brain cells from damage.They are also said to lessen the risk of possible stroke and dementia due to the presence of potassium and fiber and have a good effect on the heart. One of the best weight loss properties present in eggplants is their low calorie content.
  • Spinach: Spinach is a green leafy vegetable which has the potential to increase muscle power due to the presence of 13 flavonoid compounds, and also helps in the prevention of heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer. Spinach is a great additive to green smoothies which are very popular in a diet plan, and also a great additive to a green salad.

The great news is that if you include plenty of these vegetables in your diet on a regular basis, not only will you have the wonderful health benefits these vegetables offer, but you will definitely benefit with weight loss. A lot of these vegetables can be used in simple salads, incorporated into a healthy stir fry dinners, or steamed so as not to lose the beneficial content of these vegetables.

Which vegetables are you going to try this week?

Do you need help and encouragement with your weight loss plan? Could you benefit from my help with including these healthy and tasty vegetables into your diet? If you need help figuring out what you. Feel free to jump on a free call with me so that we can discuss your specific and individual goals and health concerns.



DISCLAIMER: Neither Holistic Health & Wellness, LLC nor Lynne Wadsworth are acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional. Any advice given by Holistic Health & Wellness, LLC or Lynne Wadsworth is not meant to take the place of advice by these professionals. If you are under the care of a health care professional or currently use prescription medications, you should discuss any dietary changes or use of dietary supplements with your doctor, and should not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting your doctor.