Food has been used as medicine for thousands of years to help us with healing, repairing, and living our lives.

Scientists have spent years of research so that they could isolate different components of food to try to understand their functions as well as find evidence of their medicinal properties. We now know that the micronutrients in food; vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants, are essential for keeping our bodies functioning. There is some growing evidence relating to some medical conditions that certain foods can help to alleviate symptoms and even prevent some diseases from developing.

Prebiotics and Probiotics

Probiotics (often referred to as “good” bacteria) help to keep your digestive system healthy by moving food through your gut. They are live micro-organisms, with lactobacillus and bifidobacterium being the most common types. Probiotics are typically sold in capsule form, although some do some in a powder form. They can also be found in foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut. People use probiotics to help alleviate the symptoms of conditions such as gastrointestinal problems, certain allergies, and even skin disorders. On the other hand, prebiotics act like a fertilizer for probiotics by helping the good bacteria to grow. These are fibers from plant foods such as beans, lentils, and onions that the body is unable to breakdown or absorb, and as a result, they serve as a great food source for the probiotics to grow, multiply, and survive.

I am a proponent of the most natural form of probiotics you can get, but if taking a supplement, I would recommend going to a health food store and buying a good quality probiotic. I find the ones you can purchase from the refrigerator section to be most effective – especially for me.


Phytochemicals are naturally occurring plant chemicals which are found to have protective qualities for our health. While scientists are still learning about phytochemicals, at this stage, they have been shown to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases developing, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and eye disease. Phytochemicals are best absorbed by the body when they are eaten as whole foods rather than in food supplements. They are found in unprocessed fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and other plants. Phytochemicals as a whole, have antioxidant properties which help stabilize damaging free radicals in the body.


“Superfoods” is a term we hear a lot about at the moment. Originally this name was given to describe nutrient-dense foods, but now the term is often used as a marketing term. Kale, avocados, quinoa, and even blueberries have been touted as superfoods. However, while they may seem new with all the press and “buzz” going on around these foods, all four of these mentioned have been around for centuries. Undoubtedly these foods have great nutritional benefits, but unfortunately, because of their “recent rise to fame,” they now seem to come with the “celebrity” price tag!

Quinoa is rich in fiber and a good source of B vitamins—as are all grains, and it contains more protein and iron than some other grains. Of course, quinoa also comes with a hefty price tag – especially if you buy organic. Still, you can get similar nutritional goodness from eating rice and beans! I’m not saying not to eat these superfoods. They are a staple of my diet and if you can afford a little heftier price tag, they will be very beneficial.

Tip: To counteract the price, try shopping at your local Farmer’s Market or produce stand to get the benefits without the high price.
Adding some of these types of healthy foods or supplements into your diet will certainly have some added benefits for you. Foods and even some supplements can definitively have medicinal qualities, so, be open-minded about trying something new. If you haven’t tried any of these foods or supplements before, give them a try.


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