As I write this, I am realizing that August is fast approaching, and summer is almost over — especially for those children who have to go back to school in just over a week here in Florida. The time flies by, which reminds me of how busy our lives are. One day tends to melt into another, and before you know it, another week has passed, and then another month. With our busy lives, it may seem as if you just can’t fit in the time to eat healthily and exercise. Yet, if we don’t take that time, our health will suffer and consequently, our families will suffer. Staying healthy and living a long life means more time with family and friends, more time to help others, and more time to reach your goals and dreams. So health should be a priority. So to help achieve your goals, here are 12 Great Diet Tips!

With that said, you should know that there’s not really a specific trick to weight loss and weight management. It’s actually rather quite simple—eat healthy and exercise. You might ask, “If it’s that simple, why do so many people struggle with weight?” Well with our hectic schedules, tempting treats, multiple advertisements to tempt us away from the pathway to healthy eating, and all those unhealthy snacks that are quick and all too readily available all around us, it is all too easy to lose sight of our healthy eating habits and goals.

Let’s talk about a few things you can do to help you take back control of your healthy lifestyle, and lose a few pounds in the process.

Cook at Home

When you prepare your food home, you will find that the majority of time your meals are lower in calories, saturated fat, and sodium. When life is hectic, it is often tempting to stop somewhere to pick up dinner, but in the long-run that is more detrimental to your health.

Tip:  When you cook at home, try making a little extra, so that you can reheat some leftovers the next day too.

Eat Real Food

I have learned that my whole health has changed since I started eating “real food!” What I mean by that is that you should choose whole over processedfoods. Whole foods—those which are essentially in the same form they were harvested–have fewer calories, sodium, fat, fiber and sugar than processed foods.

Tip:  Choose steamed fresh broccoli over steam broccoli in cheese sauce; eat apple slices rather than sweetened applesauce; and eat a baked potato rather than potato chips.

Clean Out Your Pantry

Set yourself up for success. Throw out those less healthy foods that tempt you. If they are there, you will be tempted to eat them — and most of the time, it’s too easy to give in.
Set some goals

Find what works best for you. We are all a little different and some of us work better with one system rather than another. So do what works for you. It may be:

  • Sticking to a calorie goal
  • Sticking to a specific meal plan for the week
  • Batch cooking so that your meals are prepared in advance

Have a Back-up Plan

Life has a way of throwing us a curve ball! We may have a great menu plan for the week, but then something happens and we can’t get to what we have planned. Have a few options in mind for those days when your schedule may alterand you can’t cook what you intended. Think of some quick meals you can throw-together quickly and last minute. For example, you could do something like a salad made with a rotisserie chicken breast and bagged salad; grilled cheese on whole grain bread with vegetable soup; or an omelet made with leftover veggies and whole-wheat toast. These are definitely options that are healthier than a drive-through!

Get Right Back on Track

For some of us – like I have experienced in the past – have this “all-or-nothing” mentality. We may just slip up once and it can derail our efforts. However, don’t wallow in failure and write off the rest of the day/week. In the long-run, this only makes things worse. Instead, get back on track at the next meal or snack. Don’t wait. Jump right back track at the next opportunity.

Keep Track

If you are anything like me, you somehow need help holding yourself accountable. You can do this by keeping a food and exercise log on your phone or in a journal. You can also use a phone app, such as MyFitnessPal. While it may be a little tedious, research shows that by doing this, you will be able to stick to your plan better, and it can be a great aid when it comes to weight loss.

Stock Your Freezer

Keep your freezer stocked with frozen fruits and vegetables (preferably those you have bought fresh and frozen yourself when in season), as well as lean proteins. That way you will always have healthy ingredients on hand.  Some easy ways to use these frozen foods include:

  • put frozen fruit in a smoothie
  • steam vegetables for a quick, low-calorie side dish
  • defrost chicken breasts, fish, etc. to grill or bake

Eat Protein for Breakfast

If you make protein part of your breakfast by substituting grains for protein foods** (eggs, turkey bacon, Greek yogurt, etc.) you will not only feel full longer, but you will have the added benefit of weight loss.

**Studies have shown that people who ate eggs for breakfast lost weight faster than people who ate a bagel for the same amount of calories.

Pack your Lunch

Whether you work from home or outside the home, I have always found it works best when you prepare your lunch and snacks the night before. As those of you know who have been ready my blogs for a while, I am a great believer in food preparation and pre-planning. However, when you prepare in advance, you also ensure that you have healthy, pre-portioned options ready.

Leave Temptations at the Store

Don’t forget, the same foods that call your name from the pantry or freezer, call your name when you are grocery shopping – especially if you shop when you are hungry.  You just have to come to terms with the fact that there are certain foods that you just don’t need to keep in the house. This is a biggie for me. There are certain foods that are my “downfall” and all too often, I am tempted to buy them. When I do, I most often lack the willpower to say “no” when the cravings hit! Then it becomes more of an “emotional eating” thing rather than eating because I am hungry! Can you relate to that?

Treat Yourself

When you totally ban certain foods from your diet, you will find you often crave it more! So instead, incorporate something into your diet–in moderation—that is a treat for you. You will not feel so deprived and you will continue to lose weight. Choose wisely for your treat and don’t over-indulge.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Sometimes when you are dehydrated, it can make you think you are hungry. Also, if you drink a glass of water before you eat, you will tend to eat less. It is very important to stay hydrated. If you can’t drink a lot of water at one time, keep sipping on water regularly throughout the day. However, it is best to aim for a minimum of 64 ounces.
Losing and maintaining weight should be looked at as a long-term lifestyle change rather than looking at it as going on a diet. If you take it slow and steady, your long-term benefits will increase, and you will find that you can maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight.

If you would like help with weight management and healthy living, I would love to get on a free call with you so that we can talk about your goals and how I can help you achieve them. Email me at or click here to schedule an appointment so that we can set some time aside just for you.

DISCLAIMER:  Neither Holistic Health & Wellness, LLC nor Lynne Wadsworth are acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional. Any advice given by Holistic Health & Wellness, LLC or Lynne Wadsworth is not meant to take the place of advice by these professionals. If you are under the care of a healthcare professional or currently use prescription medications, you should discuss any dietary changes or use of dietary supplements with your doctor, and should not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting your doctor.